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Emperor of all ages novel Chapter 168

"Yexiaoyou, don't be angry, don't be angry!"

Thousand blood old devil whole body cold sweat straight, quickly say.

Watching yexuan come, it’s like watching death's sickle approaching, which makes him feel the threat of death.

Xiushui real person and wulongzhou are also scared pale.

They are all the supreme elders of the three holy places of cultivation.

They have high status.

How ever have they been threatened.

But this most simple threat is the most deadly, which makes them panic.

"You have no right to make me angry."

Dark night light tunnel.

The night Xuan doesn't pay attention to three people, straight comes to three people's body, overlooking them.

Just like Hong Yunlie, the three were suppressed, lying on the ground and unable to move.

Looking at yexuan’s shoes, they were completely flustered.

"Yexuan, you can't kill me.

I'm the supreme elder of xuanmo cave.

If you kill me, you will be fiercely retaliated by xuanmo cave!"

Thousand blood old devil fast way.

"Yexuan, I have many beautiful young girls in Yanxia mountain.

I allow you to choose them.

Please don't kill me!"

Xiushui real person is even more unbearable, and even does not hesitate to use the female disciples of Yanxia mountain as chips.

But wulongzhou, the holy land of lingxu, did not say a word.

Although he was pale, he was not as unbearable as gianxuelaomo and Xiushui Zhenren.

At this moment, there is only a trace of regret in Wulong state.

If he had known today's situation, he would not have participated in the plot.

After all, I was blinded by Emperor Xiangong Huangjixianzong, after all, is the immortal gate of the great emperor.

Although it has not reached such a level, it is still not something they can trample on at will.

Puff———— In the thousand blood old devil and Xiushui immortal’s begging for mercy, a sword gas shot out, instantly cut off the three people's heads.


The three heads rolled and the neck was broken, and the blood flowed like a stream.

On the faces of the thousand blood old devil and Xiushui real person, there was a color of panic.

And wulongzhou, with a trace of regret.

Three supreme elders from xuanmo cave, Yanxia mountain and lingxu Holy Land fell.

It's not that death is magnificent, but that it's so easy to die.

"Put away their bodies and hang them in front of the mountain gate after they return to their ancestral home, as an example."

After the night Xuan killed three people, he said to Lu Chengde.

"Lying trough..."

Many people were shocked to see the heads of thousand blood old devil, Xiushui real person and wulongzhou rolling on the ground.

What a killing!? Even sitting in the sky of Huatian dome, can't help but look at it, eyes floating a bit of surprise.

"He is a man of unparalleled strategy, decisive means and ruthlessness."

"It's just that people in the three holy places of cultivation are so easy to kill..."

Hua Tiangiong shook his head and said nothing.

He admitted that yexuan was very resourceful and resourceful.

But Qianxue Laomo, Xiushui Zhenren and wulongzhou are all the supreme elders from the three holy places of cultivation.

Such a person is very important among the three holy places of cultivation.

Now the death of three people is bound to cause the anger of the three holy places of cultivation.

Although huangjixianzong has Zhou Chaolong, how long can Zhou Chaolong last? Once there is a sign of decadence, those who practice the three holy places will surely take revenge.

At that time, huangjixianzong will be doomed.

However, for the kingdom of lietian, they are happy to see all this.

Therefore, huatianqiong did not say much.

"This night Xuan, why do you have to do it?"

On the other side of lietian academy, many students were frightened.

If the previous night Xuan just let them feel the deterrent force of terror, now night Xuan brings them a feeling of killing without blinking an eye.

Like a demon! Elder Taishang, the three holy places of cultivation, said to kill! Is this something a 16-year-old can do? I'm afraid no one would have believed it if they hadn't said it with their own eyes.

The disciples of huangjixianzong were both respectful and fearful of yexuan.

According to yexuan, Lu Chengde collected the bodies of the three.

On the court, no one spoke.

They are waiting quietly.

Half an hour later.

The people of the kingdom of heaven came in a hurry.

Just after arriving at Wansheng mountain road, the visitor smelled a lot of blood.

After approaching, he saw Hong Yunlie lying on the ground, unable to move, even his chin was crushed, which made his face slightly changed.

But he, who had received the news, didn't ask much.

Instead, he came to huatianqiong and bowed himself to say, "Laozu."

Huatianqiong opened his eyes and said, "have you brought everything?"

"In accordance with the order of our ancestors, we will take all the fragments of Huangji Didao, 10000 pieces of top-grade monster skins above five levels, 100 pieces of seventh level monster skins, three deeds of hematite, and ten top smelting furnaces."

The visitor respectfully presented a storage ring.


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