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Emperor of all ages novel Chapter 171

Night Xuan steady steady mind, sit on the ground knee.

Immediately, the soul of the eternal emperor moved.

Buzzing———— The next moment, the whole land of huangjixian sect is under the prying of yexuan.

After the night Xuan swept one eye, it is to retract the vision to be in the old emperor's pole hall.

The old Huangji hall is very grand, occupying a 3000 meter area.

Zhou Zihuang took the remnant of Huangji emperor's way and wandered around according to yexuan.

While wandering, Zhou Zihuang is always paying attention to the remnant of Huangji Dao in his hand, just in case.

Walking in the old emperor's palace, Zhou Zihuang has a sense of nostalgia, reverence and guilt.

Huangjixianzong was once so brilliant.

Then now, it is reduced to any one sect dare to bully huangjixianzong.

This makes Zhou Zihuang feel guilty and feel guilty for his ancestors.

"One day, our sect will bring huangjixian sect back to its peak, regain its glory, and come to the whole land of Daozhou!"

Zhou Zihuang swore in his heart.

Night Xuan, who has been peeping, feels that the time is almost right, and the soul is moving.

Buzzing———— The next moment, in the hands of Emperor Zhou, the remnant scroll of Huangji road suddenly broke away from the hands of Emperor Zhou, suspended in the air, burst out bursts of immortal light! "This is..."

The emperor of Zhou Zihuang was surprised and was ready to take it back.

But when he saw the visions, he lost his mind and immediately took a breath of cool air.

His eyes were full of surprise.

"What yexuan said is true!"

"Grandmaster really left his mark here!"

Zhou Zihuang was pleasantly surprised.

Huangji emperor said that if it can be completely restored today, it will be a great joy for the whole Huangji immortal sect! In the nervous expectation of the emperor of Zhou, the remnant of Huangji emperor's way was shrouded by the immortal light.

Then, the incomplete part in front of him appeared slowly.

The handwriting is scribbled, but sonorous and powerful, just like gold.

Although there is no paper bearing, but it is suspended in the air, automatic alignment, and the corresponding volume.

Soon, the remnant volume of Huangji emperor's way, Volume 1, was restored to its original state.

Buzzing———— With the first volume of Huangji emperor's road restored to its integrity, the immortal light dissipated, and Huangji emperor's road flew back to the hands of Zhou Zihuang.

With both hands in his hands, Zhou Zihuang watched the incomplete Huangji road recover.

He was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

His eyes were filled with tears.

"Go back and tell yexuan!"

Finally, Zhou Zihuang decided to tell yexuan the good news first! Zhou Zihuang with Huangji emperor Road, toward the central hall of the old Huangji hall.

Soon, the emperor returned to the main hall.

"Yexuan, the emperor's way has been completely restored!"

Zhou Zihuang with Huangji emperor road complete chapter, fast tunnel, eyes with hard to hide the joy.

However, when he saw yexuan, his face sank slightly: "yexuan!"

Ina flash, Zhou Zihuang came to yexuan and held him.

He said in a deep voice, "what happened?"

At the moment of night Xuan, pale face, do not say, seven orifices are bleeding! The whole person’s breath is extremely weak! Yexuan forced himself up, waved his hand, and said weakly: "just now, Emperor lietian forced me to dream.

He said that he wanted to restore the first volume of emperor Huangji’s way completely, but it took me as the medium, so he spent a lot of energy."

"Well, is the first volume of Huangji emperor's way complete?"

Night Xuan a face weak looking at Zhou Zi Huang.

Hearing the speech, Zhou Zihuang couldn't help but be moved.

He looked at yexuan solemnly, took out the emperor's way and said, "just now, when I went to the outer hall, the vision suddenly appeared, and then the emperor's way was restored."

Originally, what yexuan said is true! In other words, yexuan really got the hint from his grandmaster! And just all, because the grandmaster through the night Xuan do media, will Huangji emperor way to recover.

"Yexuan is really the one chosen by the grandmaster!"

Inthe heart of Emperor Zhou Zihuang, there was a secret way.

This also let Zhou Zihuang eliminate some doubts about yexuan.

In order to restore the integrity of the emperor's way, yexuan almost ran out of energy and spirit, which was a huge cost for a monk in the divine realm! Night Xuan looked at the emperor in the hands of the emperor, a smile: "since the recovery, it’s OK, you put it away."

The emperor of Zhou Zi was stunned for a moment and said in doubt: "isn't the grandmaster entrusting the emperor's way to you?"

Night Xuan slightly shook his head, weak way: "he said you are the most suitable for the cultivation of Huangji emperor, I am not suitable."

"So, you put it away.

He told you not to let anyone know, not even the ancestor."

Zhou Zihuang’s face changed for a while.

He immediately felt a pressure.

He frowned and said, "this is really what the grandmaster said?"


Ye Xuan nodded his head and said, "he said that only the first volume will be restored for the time being.

After you have finished your cultivation, come back here to restore the second volume."


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