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Emperor of all ages novel Chapter 174

Ma Changlao, Xuanfeng elder and Qingyun elder were on their way all night.

After all night's journey, they finally arrived at huangjixianzong.

When the three of them saw the corpse hanging in front of the gate of huangjixianzong mountain, they felt cold hands and feet, and immediately they felt an amazing anger.

The three corpses were the three supreme elders of their three holy places of cultivation.

Thousand blood old devil, Xiushui real person, wulongzhou! Although we have received the news, when we saw the bodies of the three people, they still didn’t believe it.

Just a few days ago, they were still talking about it.

In a flash, the three elders had turned into cold corpses.

Now they are still hanging in front of the mountain gate to make an example.

For them, this is an insult! "Where is the leader of huangjixianzong?"

With such anger, the elder Ma of xuanmo cave couldn't help it.

He vibrated with his true Qi and let his voice spread all over Huangji immortal sect.

At this moment, it's early morning.

Many disciples are rushing to the Taoist temple to prepare for a new day's cultivation.

When they hear this sound, they are shocked.

"Someone's coming?"

"Can't they be the three holy places of cultivation?"

One of the disciples turned pale.

Yesterday, the patriarch took the bodies of the three supreme elders from the three holy places of cultivation back to the sect and nailed them in front of the mountain gate.

Many disciples discussed this matter all night last night.

These three holy places of cultivation are the absolute overlord of the whole area of the Tianqing mountains.

The whole Tianqing mountains, with 130000 Li and 60000 Li in length, have many branches.

The three holy places of cultivation, huangjixianzong, lietianguo, shanjiangjia in Huainan, danyunzong and Huangjia in tianxueshan belong to the area of Tianging mountains.

Among them, the three holy places of cultivation are the three most powerful forces.

Even the pharmacists like Danyun sect are not as good as the three forces.

Huangjixianzong killed the elders of the three holy places of cultivation, which is bound to usher in the Revenge of the three holy places of cultivation.

Because of this, there were many disciples who stayed up all night last night.

Aftera hard night, he was relieved and prepared to go to the Taoist temple to practice.

As a result, he immediately heard the voice of elder Ma from xuanmo cave, which scared them to death.

For a time, people were terrified in Huangji immortal sect.

But there are also some people who remain calm.

That is the three hundred disciples who returned from Wansheng mountain Daochang together last night.

Last night, they saw the invincible power of Laozu and the decisive elder martial brother in Wansheng mountain Taoist center.

It's reassuring.

At this moment, hearing someone shouting outside the gate, they were not surprised but happy and said, "it seems that, as the elder martial brother said, the people from the three holy places of cultivation have come to give their heads away so quickly?"

No, they all took the initiative to gather and rush towards the mountain gate.

At this moment, in front of the mountain gate.

Lu Chengde was in charge himself.

After seeing Ma Changlao, Xuanfeng elder and Qingyun elder, Lu Chengde looked indifferent and said faintly, "my Lord is busy and has no time to deal with others."

"If you have something to say, if you have a fart, let it go.

If you don't let it go, go away."

Lu Chengde is indifferent.

This makes the group of disciples guarding the Mountain Gate with Lu Chengde tremble.

They don't need to know that these three people must have been sent by the three holy places of cultivation.

They have strong breath, which makes people tremble.

But elder Kelu didn't mean to be polite at all.

He even said that his attitude was extremely bad! "Elder Lu, these three people may come from the three holy places of cultivation..."

A disciple could not help but remind Lu Chengde in a low voice.

"This is Huangji immortal sect."

Lu Chengde is not slow.

One sentence directly blocked the disciple.

He can only be helpless to retreat, secretly sigh.

"I'm the elder of xuanmo cave.

You're just a watchdog of Huangji immortal sect.

You're not qualified to talk to me!"

Ma Changlao coldly glanced at Lu Chengde and said in a deep voice.

"Then you go on farting there."

Lu Chengde didn't get angry and said lightly.

With a big wave of his hand, Lu Chengde directly started the great battle of protecting emperor Jixian sect.


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