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Emperor of all ages novel Chapter 18

Hall of huangjixianzong.

Only when it is related to the important affairs of the sect, will it gather in this hall.

And at the moment, in the fierce sky hall, there are already many big men of huangjixianzong.

The eight powerful elders of huangjixian sect all appeared, and a strong Dharma protector was also called.

Huangjixianzong was also called to worship Wu Jingshan.

It's worth mentioning that Wu Jingshan didn't show up for seven days.

When he showed up again, his breath became more and more astonishing.

He seemed to have improved his cultivation.

His eyes were bright and bright, and people didn't dare to look at him.

The news of the arrival of Zhentian ancient gate did not move Wu Jingshan.

As a pharmacist, he didn‘t have to be afraid of Zhentian ancient gate.

Because of this, Wu Jingshan is the first worship of huangjixianzong.

Even the eight elders dare not disrespect him.

Like elder Zhao of Xuansheng peak, he also tried his best to win over Wu Jingshan.

"Wu worships."

When Wu Jingshan arrived, many Dharma protectors saluted.

And the eight elders did not dare to trust him.

They all bowed their hands and said, "brother Wu."

"Elder martial brother Wu."

Jiang Jing is the only one who shouts elder martial brother Wu.

No one else, because Jiang Jing had the honor to practice in the medicine Pavilion of Donghuang.

Unfortunately, her talent in medicine refining was so mediocre that she only stayed in Donghuang for one year.

According to this calculation, Wu Jingshan is indeed Jiang Jing’s elder martial brother.

"Ladies and gentlemen."

Wu Jingshan also saluted back with a smile.

Everyone took their seats in turn.

"Here comes Zhentian ancient gate."

When all the people were seated, elder Zhao’s face was heavy.

The atmosphere in lietian hall suddenly became dignified.

When everyone heard the four words of Zhentian ancient gate, they felt the pressure of an invisible mountain, which made them gasp.

For huangjixianzong, Zhentian ancient gate is an insurmountable mountain, which has been pressing on the top of huangjixianzong, making huangjixianzong feel endless pressure all the time.

After huangjixianzong was defeated by zhentiangumen in those years, huangjixianzong had to offer cultivation resources to zhentiangumen every three years.

In the face of such oppression, huangjixianzong went from invincible cultivation holy Jand to a corner of fierce heaven.

Such a gap is not large.

"The Tiangu gate in this town is abominable!"

A Dharma protector clenched his fist secretly, with a touch of anger in his eyes.

When it comes to Zhentian ancient gate, the people of Huangji immortal sect hate and fear.

What! hate is Zhentian ancient gate’s oppression on Huangji immortal sect, but what I fear is Zhentian ancient gate'’s powerful power.

Zhentian ancient gate, as the immortal gate of the great emperor, has a strong overall strength, and the general clan forces dare not challenge it.

In principle, such a big Mac as Zhentian ancient gate can't look up to Huangji immortal sect, which is a comer sect.

After that war, huangjixianzong was in decline.

Even if Zhentian ancient gate did not continue to fight, huangjixianzong could not return to its glory.

However, Zhentian ancient gate has been oppressing Huangji immortal sect with pleasure.

Every three years, it has to ask for the same cultivation resources.

"If it goes on like this, I'm afraid huangjixianzong won't be able to hold on for two or three years, and will be disbanded..."

Liu Chang is always an old man with black hair.

He caresses his long beard with a trace of bitterness in his eyes.

"Itis said that this time when Zhentian ancient gate comes, we will take away Xianyun mine which belongs to our clan."

Elder Zhao said slowly.

"Xianyun mine?"

All the people in the hall were shocked, and their faces became ugly.

"Xianyun mine is the source of our Lingshi supply.

If Xianyun mine is taken away, we are not far away from disbanding."

Jiang Jing’s face was a little pale, and her beautiful eyes were full of reluctance.

"What does the old ancestor say?"

Two elder slightly pick eyebrow.

"Nature is for..."

Elder Zhao squinted.

Many people turn their eyes to Wu Jingshan.

Maybe, this big guy from Donghuang yaoge has a way to solve it.

However, Wu Jingshan's eyes were slightly closed and he seemed to be dozing.

He didn’t mean to Participate in the topic at all.

The hall became dull again, and no one spoke.

There is no solution to this matter.

Atthis time, footsteps came from outside the hall, and imperious pressure! Boom——-—— In an instant, however, the Dharma protector was shaken back.


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