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Emperor of all ages novel Chapter 180

"My talent!"

With Liao Yue’s heart, Rao couldn't help whining.

His face was pale and his eyes were a little angry.

Although the old man didn't make a sound, his fists under his sleeve robe were clenched.

He was shaking and angry to the extreme.

For a top pharmacist, lingcai has life.

They need to give full play to their power.

This is the respect for lingcai.

Now, night Xuan is their two spirit material, all threw into Dan stove, this can't end on the spot?! Every kind of spirit material has its own characteristics.

If two kinds of spirit materials are put together, it will cause unimaginable consequences! And refining each kind of pill, the spiritual material needed can not be only the same.

For example, the Tianchen pill and Yuanyang pill that Liao Yue and Huafeng want to refine belong to the best spirit pills.

The spirit materials needed for such pills are extremely complex.

The spirit material of two kinds of pills are all thrown into the alchemy furnace, the consequence is unimaginable! Not to mention the old man Huafeng and Liao Yue.

Even Wu Jingshan didn't expect this.

His hands were shaking.

He was nearby when yexuan was refining pills.

At that time, yexuan only made one kind of pill, and also threw all the spirit materials into it.

At that time, Wu Jingshan was scared.

But that time, yexuan's perfect Chengdan surprised Wu Jingshan.

This time of alchemy, Wu Jingshan also expected that yexuan would throw in all of them, but he didn't expect that yexuan would throw in all the spirit materials of the two kinds of pills.

These are two different pills.

How can they be thrown together!? "Tut tut..."

One side of master Dan yuan came back, eyes jokingly said: "this is the so-called medicine master? If you don’t blow up the stove, I'll eat shit on my head.


The operation of night Xuan'’s Alchemy almost made him laugh.

At this moment, master Dan yuan had completely believed his own idea.

This night Xuan is really not a master of medicine making.

Not only that, but also a liar.

He became a pharmacist for so many years.

It was the first time that he saw this alchemy.

It was just funny! Can this also be called alchemy? "I said this guy can't alchemy at all, you don't believe it."

Master Dan yuan looked at the angry old man Liao Yue and Hua Feng, shaking his head and laughing.

"Sir, I'm in alchemy.

Please don't make any noise."

Wu Jingshan took a look at master Danyuan and said coldly.

Master Danyuan was not angry, but looked at yexuan jokingly: "I'd like to see what you can make."

At the moment, Liao Yue and Hua Feng are bleeding.

They have prepared for a long time for yexuan.

Now it’s all wasted and it’s a great loss! But now, they don't dare to say anything.

They can only hope that yexuan will finish soon, and then take them to find the real master.

Unfortunately, they are doomed to be disappointed.

Yexuan puts the spirit material into the alchemy furnace, moves the ground fire, closes the alchemy furnace, and starts alchemy.

That scene, see Huafeng old man three people are frightened, afraid of explosion.

What surprised them was that the alchemy didn't blow up, as if it were normal? It was a slight relief.

It's fine not to blow up the furnace.

If the furnace is to be blasted, only fear that they will be damaged.

They don't want to be a teacher without a quick death.

The master hasn't seen it yet.

The pills have not been refined yet.

As a result, the blast furnace was injured.

If this is passed on, it will definitely be a joke.

Soon, in their uncertain eyes, the night Xuan around the red stove turned.

"What is he doing?"

Whether it is the old man of Huafeng, Liaoyue or master Dan yuan, they are all confused and don't know what night Xuan is doing.

Their looks as like as two peas of Wu Jingshan’s night time, the same as that of the night.

This time, Wu Jingshan has no doubts, but is with expectation.

There is no blast furnace in the smelting furnace, which indicates that there is no collision between the materials and the possibility of coagulating the lead.

Night Xuan ignored several people, he turned around the alchemy furnace for two times, stopped and snapped it in a sharp hand at the surface of the furnace.

When! Aloud noise sounded, frightening the crowd.

"Lying trough!"

"What are you doing Master Dan yuan was scared back two steps, and looked at the night Xuan in a suspicious way.

"Shut up."

Night Xuan cold drink, continue to around the alchemy furnace up.


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