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Emperor of all ages novel Chapter 187

"It's really different from ordinary Daotai...".

Zhou Youwei's beautiful eyes brightened and her lips opened.

She saw a lot of different places from the Taoist platform in the night.

It looks like a broken track platform, but actually it gives her a very strange feeling.

What she condensed herself is the perfect platform.

She could feel that her perfect Taoist platform was not as good as that of yexuan.

This feeling is very strange, but Zhou Youwei believes it very much.

"Of course not!"

But Zhou Bingyi took Zhou Youwei's words and looked at yexuan.

She shook her head pitifully and said, "no matter how bad the ordinary Taoist platform is, it can't go anywhere.

Even if it’s a broken Taoist platform, ten broken Taoist platforms are already the top of the sky."

"It's estimated that you've reached the bottom of the line..."

Zhou Bingyi took a pitiful look at yexuan and mourned for his brother-in-law.

Because the Taoist platform of yexuan looks so rotten that it can't be rotten any more.

Thousands of broken marks.

There is no such platform People are the foundation of the road.

You are picking up rubbish "Did you make any mistakes in your cultivation?"

Jiang Jing’s eyebrows frowned.

Night Xuan slightly shakes his head way: "rest assured, very good."

Just now, when he condensed the original Taoist platform of Taichu Hongmeng, he was also shocked.

But it was a relief.

After all, the original Daotai of Taichu Hongmeng was different from the ordinary Daotai, so it was not the ordinary Daotai.

"Open your eyes."

Jiang Jing doesn't know how to comfort her.

Condense such a rotten platform.

If it’s spread, it will be laughed at.

Originally, in her sleep, after she felt the earth shaking movement of yexuan’s cultivation, she ran over and thought that yexuan would be able to refine the perfect Taoist platform, even if it was not enough.

Otherwise, it would not have been so noisy.

As a result, yexuan shows a worse Daotai than the broken track Daotai, which she didn’t expect at all.

"I'm very open."

Yexuan couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, as he guessed, if he condensed such a platform and showed it, he would be misunderstood.

But it's just right, so as not to cause too much attention.

Off the court, only Zhou Youwei can feel the extraordinary place of yexuan Daotai.

Yexuan didn't explain more, so he took Daotai back to Dantian Zhenhai.

"By the way, the smelter hall will restart tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning, you ask old man Qiu to send ten smelters to the smelter hall."

Night Xuan said to Jiang Jing.

"Do you really want to restart?"

Jiang Jing takes back her mind and picks her eyebrows slightly.

Night Xuan slightly nodded his head and said: "the master of the refining hall is still there.

That guy's memory of Huangji immortal sect still stays at that time of Zhou Yutian."


Jiang Jing was surprised.

Zhou Yutian, that's her grandfather.

"Isn't the master of the refining hall Xu Jiu?"

Jiang Jing’s face changed.

"Did you ask him his name?"

Jiang Jing asked.

Night Xuan shook his head and said: "that guy seems to have a brain disease.

I didn't tell him anything more."

As soon as this remark came out, Jiang Jing suddenly became a black thread, and immediately glared at yexuan and said, "if it’s really master Xu Jiu, you have to call him Shizu, because he's grandfather's elder martial brother!"

Zhou Youwei and Zhou Bingyi looked at each other in a daze.

They don't know what master Xu Jiu has never heard of "Even if I did, he wouldn't dare to say yes."

Yexuan grinned.

"No, I'll go with Mr.

Qiu tomorrow."

Jiang Jing thought about it and made up her mind.

"It's up to you."

Night Xuan road.

After a while.

Night Xuan looked up at the mother and daughter three, eyelids drooping, light way: "you three are going to see how I sleep, or you want to sleep with me?"

Zhou Bingyi said: "bah, you big villain!"

Jiang Jing said angrily, ""yexuan, I'm your mother-in-law!"

Zhou Youwei stroked her forehead, immediately pulled Zhou Bingyi and Jiang Jing, left yexuan’s room, and took yexuan’s door with her, saying: "you have a rest early."

See three people leave, night Xuan this just lie down, cover quilt.


The night passed.

When yexuan wakes up, he finds that his exhausted Qi has completely recovered.

At the beginning of Taichu, the mottled cracks on the original platform of Hongmeng also disappeared.

"Yes, it’s fierce."


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