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Emperor of all ages novel Chapter 30

Ning Zhengtian and Fu Yunfei.

After they left huangjixianzong, they both looked ugly.

This time, they didn't get anything.

They wanted to take Zhou Youwei away.

As a result, even Zhou Youwei's people didn't see her, so they were bombed away.

What a shame! "That boy can’t understand the mysterious world.

Why does he have the Zhentian ancient order?"

Fu Yunfei looks very ugly.

Ning Zhengtian shook his head and said: "according to the predecessors, Zhentian ancient gate has given ten Zhentian ancient decrees since its establishment.

Nine of them have been taken back, only one has never appeared.

The master of the ancient order of Zhentian is probably left by his predecessors.


Fu Yunfei hummed coldly: "if you see the order, you must kneel down and salute.

I don’t know why the grandmaster has to make this rule."

Ning Zhengtian’'s face changed slightly, and said: "don't talk nonsense, young master.

This rule is not set by grandmaster, but by grandmaster's Apprentice.

No matter what, this son is in charge of Zhentian ancient order.

We can't move him.

Let’s send it back to the clan first."


Fu Yunfei knew that he had lost his word and said nothing more.

However, in his heart, he said in secret: "yexuan, I remember you."

Amole ant in the realm of metaphysics forced him to kneel and kowtow! Fortunately, this matter was not known by the people in the door, otherwise, his face is really nowhere to put.

Instead of staying more in the eastern wilderness, they returned to the ancient gate of Zhentian in the Middle Kingdom for the first time.

Daozhou continent is divided into five areas: Donghuang area, Beiming sea area, Zhongtu Shenzhou, Ximo fotu and Nanling Shenshan.

Every big field is extremely wide, ordinary people, their life, it is difficult to step across one of the fields.

Huangjixianzong was born in the southern region of the eastern wasteland, the kingdom of heaven.

Zhentian ancient gate, as one of the most powerful immortal gates in Daozhou, is naturally the Middle Kingdom in the middle of Daozhou.

"The tenth Zhentian ancient Ling is now?"

In the temple of Zhentian ancient gate, there was a rumbling sound, with a trace of disbelief.

Ning Zhengtian and Fu Yunfei kowtow to each other in the main hall, and respectfully said, "report back to the elder.

The emperor's immortal sect really holds the ancient order of Zhentian."

There are two rows beside the suspended temple.

An old and powerful being sits in the void, breathing the essence of the sun and the moon.

There are round of holy light behind his head.

It's like the immortal is alive, just a continuous breath floating.

It's just like the heaven is falling apart.

It's so terrible! These are the elders of Zhentian ancient gate! Represents the highest combat power of Zhentian ancient gate! Ning Zhengtian and Fu Yunfei, who are high above the emperor's immortal sect, are like humble mole ants in front of these elders.

They dare not show any disrespect.

"Since ancient times, we have recovered nine of the ten Zhentian ancient gates given by Zhentian ancient gate, but we are short of the last one.

Now that they appear in Huangji immortal sect, it's time to recover them."

Deep in the temple, there was another rumble, as if an old dragon was snoring.

It was extremely terrible.

"Since it's in huangjixianzong, you can take it back by force."

The third black haired old man on the left opens his eyes slowly.

His eyes open and close as if heaven and earth were just beginning to open.

Yin and yang are dense! "No way."

Even though Xuan was denied by the second white robed old man on the right, he slowly said, "how can we seize other people's things, and it’s still such gods as zhentianguling."

"Yunfei also said that he was arrogant and domineering.

If he wanted to do something harmful to the reputation of our Zhentian ancient gate by virtue of Zhentian ancient order, where should we put our Zhentian ancient gate face?"


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