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Enigma novel Chapter 15

Zeno nodded. He tried to put up a brave front but I could see the fear in his eyes. The other three baboons looked like they would piss their pants any second. Their faces were pale as a ghost.

“Love, how about you go take a bath? As much as I want to beat the kid, I don’t think Leo will appreciate his son being traumatized. Your aura is slipping out quite a lot.” Steven said pulling me back from Zeno. “You. Leave.” He said to the four hairless cats.

Zeno, Francis and Fabian made a dash for it but Vivian didn’t move from her place. She looked scared as hell but she still didn’t move.

Is she frozen by shock?

“Vivi come on.” Francis said from the door.

“No.” She said with a trembling voice.

“What?” Francis asked confused.

“I said no.” She replied this time firmly. “I am not going anywhere with you.”

“But why? Do you want to die or what?” Francis asked with wide confused eyes.

He was getting jittery as I openly glared at him. I am really intrigued though as to why Vivian doesn’t want to go with them.

“All this time you told me that Aria is a stuck up bitch.” I clenched my fist hearing that. “And what do I find out? The stuck up bitch is none other than you three. You made it impossible for her to have friends. You made it seem like she didn’t want to be friends with anyone but guess what? We all misunderstood her. Why? All because of you three. From this moment onwards I don’t want anything to do with you three and I will make sure the others know what you did to her even if she isn’t ready to tell that to anyone to save your unworthy asses. Everyone in the pack is going to know how undeserving you are to lead a pack. No wonder you haven’t shifted yet.”

Francis’s expressions morphed into sadness. He looked utterly devastated. He turned around with slumped shoulders and left.

Wow! This is not something I thought these boys would be capable of. But the question is, why? Why would they go to such lengths to just isolate and bully a girl? It can’t just be because she is human. Well they think she is human but still that can’t be the case. Their mothers are humans as well. Then why? There seems to be something going on here that I can’t interpret… yet. I will find out eventually and if it turns out that they are doing this just for fun, I will beat the crap out of them for sure. No matter whose sons they are, they will get it really bad.

“I am sorry aunt Amara. I didn’t know they were doing such a thing. I swear I didn’t take part in it. They made sure to keep me away from her and others too. They made it seem like Aria was the one that doesn’t want to be with us. We never had anything against her. I am really sorry.” Vivian was sobbing her eyes out at this point.

I pulled her in a hug.

“It’s okay sweetie. Don’t cry. Now that you know everything, please don’t do what those scabbed weasels did or I will just have to punish you.” I said giving her a wide grin.


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