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Enigma novel Chapter 21

As the afternoon rolled around, Steven, Ryder and I made our way to the cabin. The pack is going to be there by twelve and so are we. We decided to not bring Arabella with us as she is still going through the after effects of yesterday’s events. Lucas, Archer and Hudson threw a fit to come with us but we denied them and now they are probably sitting in one of their rooms pouting together. Aria might have joined them as well.

I sighed for… I don’t how many times today. It is a very important day today.

“Love everything will be alright. Don’t worry too much.” Steven said from beside me.

I know we can get there in a few minutes but I wanted to take a walk to clear my head and think about… well everything. In between yesterday’s dinner and Ryder showing up out of nowhere, I had no time to think anything over. I do have some ideas but I don’t know if they will totally be worth it. Besides we don’t know the full extent of the problem.

“Amy.” Steven stepped in front of me stopping me in my tracks.

I looked up at him confused.

“What is going on in your head?”

“Nothing. Just the things about the meeting and our problems that are to come.”

I rubbed my head as it was starting to ache now from the over thinking.

“We will figure something out. Don’t worry about it too much.” Ryder said. “Besides you are not alone in this situation. None of us are. We will work something out.”

“You do understand that there is a major possibility that our children will be fighting right? They might die there.” I exclaimed horrified even at the thought of it.

“Yeah and I trust them enough to know that they will destroy every damn demon that comes to kill us.” Steven said firmly.

I nodded still not fully convinced. What if something happened to them? I won’t be able to live with myself if anyone of our people died.

“Princess just hop on. We are not getting anywhere with you exploding your head for something that hasn’t happened yet. We will run there.” Ryder more like ordered.


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