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Enigma novel Chapter 31

We were so focused on Ajax and Zeno that nobody knew when or where Aria went. It was because of Zeno that we found out that she wasn’t here.

He abruptly snapped out of his daze without any recollection of knowing what was happening or how he got under a snarling wolf spirit. Ajax moved away from him in a shocked state and he started going into raging fit. At first, we didn’t understand what had happened to him, but it was made clear what was going on when he shouted about not knowing where Aria is, and everything clicked in place.

Zeno had abruptly snapped out of whatever state of mind he was stuck in and Ajax went ballistic right after Aria went at a certain distance for them to not feel her around. This mate thing is really getting out of hands. I don’t think we have much time left in our hands now. I might have to let Zeno shift. There is no other option. They both seem to have been losing it. Losing their first mate has left a major dent on them.

That is not something I should be worried about now. Aria is nowhere to found. We are looking for her over half an hour now. We looked all over the forest we usually visit and she knows but there is no trace of her. I hope she hasn’t run off blindly. She could get lost in the woods and with the demons on our case, it might turn into a disaster.

What if the demons got to her? What if they took her? What if they killed her? What if…

“We will find her love.” Steven said breaking me out of my chain of thoughts.

I didn’t say anything. I saw Ajax pace in front of me as I sat with Steven on the steps of the cabin with the Alpha and his pack surrounding us. The others are looking for her.

Ajax had completely lost it when Aria went missing and he was on the verge of shooting in the forest to go after her, but Ryder ordered him to stay put. Seeing his state now, that was a better decision. He would have probably been a hindrance more than a help with the state he is in.

Zeno on the other hand couldn’t recall what had happened after Aria had left the clearing to drop Val, Beth and Eros. Looking at his bewildered state, I didn’t know at that moment if I should pity him or crack his head open to check if he there was any of his brain left in his head. Stella took him inside the meeting house to rest as he was flinching and looking around wide eyed. The mate problem is really getting to him now and he is totally unaware of it.

“Love why don’t you calm down? Everyone is looking for her. We will definitely find her.”

“No. I should be out there looking for her too Steven but here I am being forced to stay put. What if something happens to her? I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.” I snapped.

“You know why you are here. We can’t have you wondering in the woods with a threat on your head and as for Aria, we will find her. She will be back with us in no time. Think it this way. If she comes here, we will be here for her.”


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