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Enigma novel Chapter 42

“You don’t mind me coming?” Francis asked looking at us, his voice heavy with crying.

I looked at the parcel I was carrying while I answered him ‘no’.

“Give me a minute.”

With that said he dashed inside. I looked at Ethan who looked at me with the same discomfort I felt.

“Did I go overboard with him? I mean he is not exactly the ringleader here.” I whispered.

“Nahh. He just took it too hard I guess. Don’t take it to the heart. They made you cry so many times. He had that coming. At least now he knows that what he did was wrong.” Ethan said shrugging.

I can tell by the look on his face that he wasn’t really that happy about reducing someone to tears.

“I feel like a bully now. I made him cry.” I said pouting.

“Don’t worry about it. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Ethan said slinging his arm over my shoulder and he pecked my forehead.

Francis came out of his house and fell into steps with us on the trail to the meeting house.

“Oh thank god you are here.” Dad said rushing towards us as we entered the clearing. “Amy just woke up and she is hungry. You know how your mother gets when she lacks food in her stomach.”

I gave dad an apologetic look as he dashed inside with the food parcels. Ethan started laughing as soon as the door closed behind dad with me joining him.

“My princess is making him dance around her little finger.” A very smug and smirking uncle Ryder said from beside us.

When did he get there? He wasn’t alone either. Fallon and Cedric were with him. So mom is going with two more shifting today then. I nodded at the two new arrivals in greeting which they retuned enthusiastically.

“You two are shifting as well.” I told my two companions.

Ethan grinned at me but Francis looked nervous. His face and eyes looked red from the earlier…um… event.

“Are you not excited about it?” I asked him.

“Oh I am. A little scared that’s all.” He mumbled.

“You will do fine.” I assured him.

He nodded and we made our way to the meeting house. I opened the door to find mom happily munching on some sandwich and mac and cheese with an exhausted dad sitting beside her with his head on the counter.

“Hi babies.” She said with a mouthful of food.

Only my mother could address a six foot tall person as baby.

“Uh mom that’s gross.” Ethan groaned.

“You used to do it as well.” She said like that solved the matter.


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