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Enigma novel Chapter 46

“Why are you crying baby?” He asked softly. When did I start crying? “Are you scared of me? Please don’t be. I won’t hurt you anymore. How could I? You are my other half. I want you to love me back the way I do. We are mates after all. We should love each other. I didn’t understand before about what I felt about you but now I do. You are my mate and I had always felt the connection in between us. It’s time you feel it too. I can understand that you couldn’t feel it before as you are a human but now you have no excuse to ignore me or distance yourself from me. You were always mine and now I get to claim you. I know what I did was wrong but you have to give me a chance. I promise I will make it better. You will give me a chance right?”

His eyes were soft but his words… I didn’t like it one bit. It felt like he was telling me that he deserves a chance because he is my mate. I haven’t felt like murdering someone this bad before. I was going to give him a chance for Ajax but he is too far gone. The fear finally left my body as I felt the anger burn into me.

I stepped back pulling myself away from him. I had a really bad urge to pound something to pieces. He took a step forward but I held my hand in front of me to make him stop. He looked puzzled and dejected.

“Are you rejecting me?” he asked with a shaking voice.

“What would have happened if I wasn’t your mate Zeno?” I asked ignoring his question.

“But you are my mate. Why would I think about something like that?”

“Just answer the damn question.” I snarled.

“I didn’t think about that.” He mumbled.

“Would you have treated me fairly if I hadn’t turned out to be your mate? Would you have stopped bullying me? Would you have left me alone to live my life peacefully?”

“Yes.” His answer was firm. “I would have. I was going to start over from the day I shifted. I wanted to start anew. I want to be a good Alpha to my pack, a good son to my parents, a good friend to Francis and Fabian and the best to you.”

“Prove it then. Your words don’t mean anything to me. Prove it that you are changed and don’t expect me to jump in your arms due to you being my mate because I won’t. Be the man of your words and prove to everyone that you deserve to be what and where you are. Don’t you dare come to me thinking that everything is fine in between us. Just because you are my mate doesn’t mean you have the right to do as you please with me. I am not that easy Zeno. I don’t believe in empty words.”

He looked shocked but nodded. I texted dad to come to the car as I made my way there with Zeno right on my heel. I stopped near the car and the idiot behind me bumped right into my back making me groan.

“What do you want?” I asked massaging my temple.

I am starving. I don’t think I can handle this anymore. I need food.

“Nothing.” He mumbled with his head down.

“Why the heck are you following me then?” I gritted out.


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