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Entrapped To Alien Lords Free chapter novel Chapter 49


At the bathhouse I hesitated in the doorway and shuddered looking at the water. Most places I could see the bottom, but in the deepest parts I barely could. For the first time that frightened me. Master Bane tugged at me to get me to follow them inside.

I kept my head down like I was supposed to, but I noticed we were getting a lot of attention. Warriors seemed to be coming toward us from all angles. From what I could hear they were curious about my leg. I prayed my Warriors would not pass me around to them.

Being passed around should never have concerned me. Master Damien demanded the other men leave us alone in strong forceful tones. My owners surrounded me in a tight circle until the other men left.

Master Damien pulled me to follow him into a shallow spot. He sat on a bench in the water and demanded I wash him. Reluctantly entering the water I sat on the bench beside him and did as he wished. The water only came up to my waist that way. To wash his long legs I had to move from beside him and into the water, which I did unenthusiastically.

My hands were shaking again. I was so afraid and the water only came up to my waist. I fumbled the slick little piece of soap Master Damien had given me and it went to the bottom of the pool. Like an idiot I stood there and stared at it.

Master Evan splashed me with water. I hadn't heard them talking to me.

"Get the soap and finish washing my brother, Ciara," he said sounding exasperated.

I tried to reach down and get the little bar without dunking my head, but the current from everyone in the pool made it move to slightly deeper water. My legs felt frozen to the spot, I didn't want to be in deep water.

"Ciara," Master Damien said and I heard the frustration in his voice.

It wasn't that bad, the soap was under maybe four feet of water. I persuaded myself to just get it over with. I took a deep breath and let my head go under.

A moment later I was up. I found myself clinging to Master Damien's chest and gasping for air. The darkness had surrounded me the minute I'd put my head beneath the surface. Master Damien held me as I desperately tried to calm down.

"Please, no water," was all I could manage to sputter out. My owners stood in a tight circle watching me pant and cry.

Master Christof reached out and stroked my back gently. "Tell us why you are acting this way," he said.

"I got soap in my eyes," I lied. Rose had said my fear would anger them. I couldn't risk it. "It hurt," I finished and looked up at him.

"Ciara, do not lie to us," Master Evan said in a low threatening voice.

My eyes flicked the deep pool in front of us and I shuddered. "I'm afraid to go under water. I'm afraid I'll drown," I admitted.

They didn't seem angry, but they didn't seem to understand either.

"You will not drown in front of us," Master Kein said.

"Please, Masters," I begged, "can I get out of the water? Please, don't make me stay in it."

Tears had started to run down my face and I couldn't stop them. If it wasn't for Master Damien's grip I would have been quaking with fear.

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