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Entrapped To Alien Lords Free chapter novel Chapter 50


The Healers showed up at some point. I heard them discussing with Master Damien in the main room as Master Evan held me down. Humans do this all the time, they said. My owners were lucky it wasn't the first day, that's what usually happens. I heard them give instructions to Master Damien on how to use the calming creams.

Master Damien came back in with two tiny jars in his hand. I apologized for the money I was costing them. I told them I'd get a job and pay them back. Master Damien looked at me with the oddest expression.

Master Evan held me tight as Master Damien brushed a heavy amount of the stuff across my forehead and cheeks. He took a second jar and brushed some of it over my neck. It burned strangely. I bucked in Master Evan's arms and tried to get free.

The creams sunk in and I stopped struggling. My mind was foggy and my body went slack. Whatever had me so upset a moment ago no longer mattered.

I looked around the room and found an unusual amount of humor in everything. A giggle passed my lips and I turned my head to look at the man holding me so tight. His concerned expression was comical and I laughed out loud.

Master Evan released me and I rolled languidly onto my back watching him. I still felt damp between my thighs and told them they could have me now. Incredulous looks was the only response I got.

Dinner was a relaxed affair. I couldn't kneel because I kept toppling over. Instead, they sat me on Master Christof's lap and he fed me.

I guess they didn't have drunks here, because my ramblings were very amusing to them. Despite my best efforts I couldn't stop talking. I said all manner of things I shouldn't be saying and they encouraged me. It was like a huge show for them.

After dinner I quieted down and they played a game in the sitting room. They allowed me free reign of the room until I tried to touch the fire because it was pretty. After that I was placed beside Master Damien and not allowed to move.

At some point they put me to bed and I passed out. The last lucid part of my mind wondered what they were going to do with me in the morning.

I woke up looking at Master Evan, as usual. I felt fuzzy and weird. When I tried to talk to him my speech was slurring. At first he thought I sounded silly and then he started to look concerned. He called his brothers in and it took them a long time to understand me. Master Damien sent Master Bane to get the Healers.

After a while my voice seemed to be working more normally, but I was so confused. I struggled to remember what I had done yesterday. There were snapshots of things happening, but no timeline. It seemed I had lost something.

While we waited for the Healers Master Kein sat beside me and I asked about the day before. It felt like I was missing something crucial.

"Do you remember what you told us?" he asked curiously.

"No, I don't remember much of yesterday at all, Master Kein. I remember being at the Keepers a little. Fuji showed her teeth and they were really sharp. I can't remember why she did that. What happened to me?" I asked getting more scared.

Master Bane burst back into the apartments breathing hard.

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