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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 411

Chapter 411 Tough Days for Her

50 hits from the branches, one slap from Todd, and one night in the basement were nothing worth mentioning. Max even walked the mountain road for an hour while starving.

She once thought that she could not withstand it at all.

But when one wanted to live, his or her potential was limitless.

Under Nina’s supervision, Max took a very heavy hoe and dug pits in the field for the whole morning.

Her body felt exhausted from the overload, but she survived and didn’t faint..

During the lunch break, she had never thought that she would feel like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey one day. At that time, she completely disregarded her image and stuffed the food into her mouth.

The coarse bread in her mouth was even more delicious than the delicacies from the past.

But Nina didn’t allow her to eat too much. After three pieces of bread, Nina took away all the dishes in front of her eyes and asked her to go to the pig pen to feed the pigs.

Although Max was an illegitimate daughter, Willard and Bobby had always been very good to her. She had been pampered since she was a child. She had never even seen a pig, let alone entered the pigsty.

As soon as she opened the door of the pigsty, she was choked by the disgusting smell and ran to the side to vomit.

She had only eaten half–full, and now she had vomited all of it. Her stomach was also aching, and she was in a miserable state.

When Nina saw that Max had not entered for a long time, she cursed while running over, “What are you dilly–dallying for? I’ll give you ten minutes. If you still can’t finish feeding the pigs, your dinner will be canceled.”

It was only the first day. If she couldn’t eat dinner, she would be even more unable to finish reading the book while kneeling.

It meant that she could not sleep if she could not finish the book. But she had to get up at 5:30 in the morning, and she once planned to rest for several hours.

After thinking of this, she held her breath while resisting nausea and rushed into the pigsty with the feed bin.

In the afternoon, she went to the field to do farm work. Max moved slowly. Under Nina’s abuse, Max completed the work

She was glad that she had survived the most painful first day, but she didn’t know that the real torment at night had just begun.

In the evening, when she had just finished her meal and rested for less than five minutes, she was pressed to the yard by Toby. Tyler took out the horsewhip and stood behind her with a cold aura.

The whip hit the flesh ruthlessly.

Max gritted her teeth and fell to the ground again and again, and she was pulled up again and again by Toby.

Nina was sitting on a stool in front of the door while leisurely eating snacks and shaking her legs as she looked at them.

The sound of the whip was terrifying. Nina looked at it for a while, and her whole body trembled, She was so scared that her snacks fell out.

But she soon recalled what Tyler had said to her in the morning. The trace of pity in her eyes was quickly covered by strong disgust.

She snorted at Max, “You deserve it. And you deserve death. Mr. McGraw has been good to you. He is almost 70 years old. His legs are not good. How can you be so cruel to let people push him downstairs?

“You are young, but you are evil.”

Finally, the whipping stopped. Max cried out in pain while weakly lying on the ground. Her entire body was in pain, especially her back. It was a heart–wrenching pain.

She was in a trance and quietly listened to Nina’s endless scolding without having the strength to retort.

But the torture was not over.

Tyler lifted her and made her kneel properly. Toby moved the whole box of “Great Wisdom Scripture” in front of her.

Tyler and Toby had a plan. Tyler watched Max before midnight. Toby slept because he would watch Max after midnight.

Without the help of Willard and Bobby, Max was just a weak nineteen–year old girl.

She had no other choice but to conserve her energy and wait for her chance.


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