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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 487

Chapter 487 The Banquet

Jerry raised his head and stared at the crescent moon outside the window with his deep blue eyes.

Something crossed his mind, so Jerry groped his pocket and took out a packet of powder the size of a fingernail.

Jerry stroked the packet with a decisive light in his eyes. Nobody knew what he was thinking.

Sherlyn woke up on the fourth day of treatment.

Her eyes were half-open with no light in them. Sherlyn didn’t go crazy or hurt herself, she was like a lifeless doll.

Viola, Russell, and Kolby nervously looked at Sherlyn who feebly leaned against the bedhead.

Red-eyed, Russell suppressed his excitement. "Sherlyn, I am Russell, your lover. Do you remember me?"

Sherlyn kept her head down without any response, as if she did not hear Russell at all.

Viola leaned over and whispered, "Do you know me? We met in an orphanage in Washington. I am your best friend."

If Sherlyn didn't blink her eyes from time to time, Viola and Russell would think that she was asleep.

Kolby recorded Sherlyn's responses, shook his head, and sighed. "We failed. We can calm her down with medicine. To cure her, we need to find out the cause of her disease."

Viola thought, if so, we have to wait for the banquet.

Ronian will hold the banquet at his old house, so we may find out the truth that day.

"Sherlyn, do you remember Roman?" Viola sighed.

Sherlyn, who only blinked, slowly raised her head at the mention of this name, she said weakly and calmly, "My second brother."

Russell turned around in surprise and exchanged one glance with Viola.

Kolby recorded this new development.

Russell held Sherlyn's hand and asked, "What about Jennifer?"

Sherlyn fell silent and did not respond.

"Pamela? She's your mother. Do you remember her?"

There was no response.

Kolby took notes in detail, "she remembers only Mr. Felton. Possibly that the culprit hypnotized her when she was unconscious after being drugged."

Russell asked, "Does Ronian know hypnotism?"

Kolby said, "Well... I don't know much about Mr. Felton. Ask Mr. Hobson. He may have the answer."

After Ormand came home at night, Viola brought up the topic of hypnotism.

Ormand pondered for a moment. "During the training in National Bureau of Investigation, Ronian did learn something about psychology. However, the training didn't last long. Therefore, Ronian doesn't know much about hypnotism even if he has learned it in training."

Viola looked grim. "If he drugged Sherlyn and hypnotized her, Sherlyn might act according to his instructions, right?"

Ormand nodded. "Yes. I will add this finding to the record. If Jerry can find during the banquet the medicine that Ronian hid, I can send Ronian to jail with the analysis report of that medicine."

"Great. That will spare Sherlyn from pain and trouble."

Ormand held Viola by her slender waist and said worriedly, "Hypnosis and the drugs severely damaged Sherlyn's nerves, viola, you must know that Sherlyn may not fully recover."

"It is your guess. Don't tell Russell for the time being because he will be disappointed." Viola sighed.

Ormand nodded. Then, he went upstairs to check his children with Viola hand in hand.

Days passed, and this was the day when Ronian would hold a banquet.

Russell took care of Sherlyn, so he did not attend the banquet. Viola, Ormand, Todd, and Leia dressed up. They appeared at the banquet at 7:30 pm.

"Mr. Hobson, welcome. I haven't seen you for a few days. I am jealous of you and your wife for being in such a happy relationship."


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