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Ex-husband Unmasked He’s a Billionaire novel Chapter 39

Chapter 39 

Kid, do you have any last words? Timothy is already on his way!Caspian said with a triumphant 


The wound on his head had stopped bleeding thanks to an ice pack, but he still looked particularly fierce with blood all over his face

Tell him to hurry up and to stop wasting my time,Cameron said calmly, keeping his eyes closed

Good, very good! I hope you can still say that after meeting my boss later,Caspian sneered angrily

In his eyes, Cameron was just a bumpkin with brute strength who had never heard of Timothy’s name. If he did, he should know that even the provincial officials had to bow to him

Who was this bumpkin? Who did he think he was

Seeing the conflict shift, Madison’s friends also began to flatter Caspian and pleaded, Lord Caspian, you’ve seen how arrogant that jerk is. It has nothing to do with us. You’re wise and mighty, so why don’t you let us go first?” 

Let you go?Caspian smiled wickedly at the words and said, Let me tell you, none of you will be going anywhere today. But” 

But what, Lord Caspian?Madison asked hopefully

If you serve me and my gang well, I might consider letting you go.” 

Caspian’s eyes narrowed, and he had an evil smile on his face

Hehe, the boss is right,the henchmen cheered, their pain forgotten

These women were really attractive

Lord Caspian, is there no other way?Madison asked, her face pale

she understood what Caspian meant

Are you trying to bargain with me?Caspian frowned, his expression fierce

Madison’s heart trembled. She decided to bring up Archie’s name

Caspian, my boyfriend is Archie. You have a good relationship with him, don’t you? Please consider letting us go for his sake.” 

Archie?Caspian sneered, What is he to me? Why should I care about showing him respect? It wouldn’t make a difference even if his dad showed up!” 

He was helping Archie purely because he had promised Caspian that there would be beautiful women

Did he think he could ask Caspian for a favor just because they had shared a few meals and visited some nightclubs together

Chapter 39 

Madison’s heart trembled

She wasn’t aware of all this. Maybe Caspian had only said all that because he was angry

Seeing that the situation was out of her control and as she was afraid of getting implicated, she secretly texted Archie for help

Archie received her message and replied saying that he was on his way

But he was more anxious than anyone else

After receiving Archie’s reply, Madison breathed a sigh of relief and then turned to look at her friends behind her, playing the role of a good person

Don’t worry, my boyfriend said he’s coming right away. He’ll definitely be able to save all of us when he gets here.” 

Thank you, Madison.They looked at Madison gratefully, seeming to have forgotten who the real culprit behind this incident was

Then, one by one, they glared at Cameron and Dakota maliciously, muttering curses under their 


It’s all because of these two idiots causing us trouble!” 

Look at Madison’s boyfriend, and then look at yours. Besides causing trouble, what else can he do?” 

Dakota, can’t you make your useless boyfriend say something? What’s the point of him just sitting there? Doesn’t he have a mouth?” 

You guys!Dakota was furious, her face turning red with anger. These people had gone too far

Dakota, don’t pay attention to them,Cameron said calmly

You bastard, so you do have a mouth!the girls sneered coldly


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