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Ex-husband Unmasked He’s a Billionaire novel Chapter 40

Chapter 40 

Timothy had arrived

At that moment, everyone’s heart was in their throat

Timothy, wearing shiny leather shoes, a black suit, and sunglasses, appeared imposingly at the door of the private room

Behind him, dozens of men dressed in black suits stood respectfully

It’s over!” 

Dakota’s head buzzed

Caspian immediately rushed to Timothy and bowed. Boss!” 

Mr. Dashner!Caspian’s subordinates also bowed, expressions of reverence on their faces

Timothy gave a hum and nodded lightly. Then, he asked in a deep voice, Who beat you?” 

It’s him, Boss!Caspian pointed at Cameron, who was sitting on the sofa

Timothy looked in the direction Caspian was pointing

At that moment, Dakota was standing in front of Cameron

Despite her fear, she bravely explained to Timothy, Mr. Dashner, this has nothing to do with Cameron. Please let me explain.” 

Oh?Timothy frowned, displeased

Dakota’s face turned pale as she suppressed her fear and continued, Mr. Dashner, here’s what happened. My friends and I were celebrating someone’s birthday here when your subordinate, Lord Caspian, barged in and caused a disturbance. He even attempted to ” 

Caspian interrupted, Boss, please don’t listen to this woman’s nonsense. None of that actually happened

We were just here to collect protection fees as usual. When we passed by this private room, this drunk woman came up to me and stuck herself to me. When her boyfriend saw it, he picked up a wine 

bottle and hit me on the head

My head injury was caused by him. Look, Boss!Caspian pointed at the wound on his head

Indeed, Mr. Dashner, we can testify for Lord Caspian!Caspian’s subordinates started to twist the 

truth as well

Mr. Dashner, they’re all lying! Please don’t believe them. The situation wasn’t at all like they said!Dakota pleaded, looking at her friends. My friends can vouch for me. If you don’t believe me, ask them!” 

Chapter 40 


HerHer boyfriend attacked Lord Casplan!” 

The frightened girls pointed at Cameron behind Dakota, saying, It was him!” 

They didn’t dare to offend Casplan

Dakota was speechless. She didn’t expect her friends to betray her

Boss, you’ve heard it all. It was this woman’s boyfriend causing trouble here. And now she’s trying to deceive you!Caspian added

Mr. Dashner, I really didn’t deceive you. This red mark on my face is from when Lord Caspian slapped me. Besides, Cameron isn’t even my boyfriend. This has nothing to do with himDakota anxiously explained

That’s enough. Stop talking,Timothy interrupted impatiently

I don’t care about what happened between you all, and I don’t care if he’s your boyfriend or not. I just want to know if my subordinate was injured by your friend.” 



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