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Exclusive Memory novel Chapter 179

The next morning, with a heavy headache, Ashley woke up. The curtains were not closed, and the morning light filled the room. She raised her hand and rubbed her forehead to sit up. However, she felt something was wrong with her body as she moved a little bit. She lifted the quilt and found that she was naked.

what the fuck!

What did she do yesterday!

Ashley vaguely remembered the dream she had yesterday. She dreamed of the man who had bewitched and raped her. Then they had almost had sex, but it didn't succeed... Ashley rolled over under the quilt naked. She had a sex dream because she had been short of men these years. Unfortunately, she had no experience in it and could only dream of that man?

With this in mind, she doubted if she was right. Then while having a dream, she felt her clothes were bound and she took them off herself... When thinking of this, Ashley shivered all over. It was said that '30 is like a wolf and 40 is like a tiger'. How could she be so dissatisfied before she was 30 years old?

Ashley pulled the quilt over her head in shame and embarrassment, and she cursed herself in it. 'Form is emptiness and emptiness is form. It seemed that she need to recite Buddhist scriptures in the future. If she just let it go, she would out of control in the future.

After comforting herself for a while, she was finally able to face up to this matter. She put on her coat, went to the bathroom to take a shower, and went downstairs in clean clothes.

"Ashley, you woke up." Bradley said to her with a smile. "You must have a headache because of hangover? Abbott has cooked you some soup to sober you up. Now drink it."

"Thank you, uncle Bradley. Where are you going?"

Raising the car key in his hand, Bradley answered, "I'm going to fetch your car. I saw you come back with young master yesterday. I haven't taken your car back yet."

"Thank you, uncle Bradley." She looked around and asked, "where's Mr. Jasper? Has he gone to work?"

Bradley pointed to the second floor, "he is changing clothes in his room. But Henry has arrived. The young master should be going to work after changing clothes."

"Henry is coming back!" "Is he outside?" Ashley asked in surprise.

"Yes." Bradley didn't know why she was so happy. He pointed to the outside of the villa and said, "he is waiting outside."

After saying "thank you" to him, Ashley ran out of the house. Seeing that, Bradley was curious. He shrugged and put on his coat. Noises came from upstairs. Looking in the direction of the sound, he saw that Jasper was coming downstairs, poker faced.

"Young master." Said Bradley with a smile.

"Yes." Jasper nodded and looked at Ashley through the window. She was talking with Henry. What she had said last night was still so clear that the knuckles of Jasper's hand, which was holding the coat, turned pale because of the exertion.

Outside Henry's car, Ashley knocked on the car window and Henry got out of it. He looked tired. He used to see Ashley with laughing at other times, but today he didn't laugh. He said, "Ashley, you get up early today."

"I get up at that time recent days, my biological clock wakes me up at this time." Henry seemed to be in a bad mood, and Ashley could tell that something was bothering him. "Are you all right about the video?" she asked.

"The video matter has been dealt with."

"Really?" "Is the video in your hand? Can I have a look?" Ashley was surprised.

The door of the villa was opened. Jasper, wearing a woolen coat and holding an overcoat, walked towards them. After taking a look at Jasper, Henry lowered his head quickly and said, "Mr. Jasper."

"Mr. Jasper, you have changed your clothes." "Henry? You haven't answered my question yet. Let me watch the video," she said to Henry with a wide smile.

Henry lowered his head and said, "Ashley, don't watch that kind of video. It's destroyed already and there's nothing to worry about."

"Destroyed?" The happiness on Ashley's face disappeared. She was a little upset, "why destroyed it? I was thinking about..."

She was still wondering who the man was.

"The video can't be used to keep. If it gets out, it will bring us more trouble. We should destroy it as soon as possible. You can rest assured now, so that no one can threaten you with it again." Henry comforted.

"Have you seen them?" Ashley asked abruptly.

Henry's pupils shrank. "I..."

"You've seen it, haven't you?" Said Ashley firmly.

Jasper, who stood beside him, Henry broke out in a cold sweat in the palm of his hand. "I did read it, in order to confirm the content of the video, but I only had one look! I have checked it and turned it off. I didn't see you naked!"

When Jasper looked at Henry, he realized that Henry was quite smart.

Embarrassment flashed across her face, and Ashley explained, "I didn't mean that..."


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