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Exclusive Memory novel Chapter 180

On Monday, Ashley took Jamie to the TV station to film A Good Time.

There were also some other acquaintances, including Daisy. They were all a little famous in the circle, but not very famous. Ashley was only a junior among them. She greeted the audience politely. Jamie helped her carry her bag and coat. They were both taking a break at the backstage and waiting for shooting later.

Daisy glanced at her. Her attitude was as unfriendly as ever. And Ashley was not surprised at it. She looked down at her cell phone. After a while, the host came in. People who were sitting just now all stood up to greet him. Following the crowd, Ashley stood up and politely greeted the host. She was inarticulate. After greeting the host, she did not know what to say. The other people around her were laughing and talking to the host, and she returned to her original position.

Seeing this, Jamie comforted her, "You're different from them. Even if you don't talk with these people, it won't have any impact on you. Only those directors and producers can affect you."

Ashley nodded.

After several emcees left, soon later, Flora also entered the backstage with a few assistants excitedly.

Among all the guests this time, Flora was the most popular. She had been a senior in the show business before. Even without taking the initiative to introduce, those artists all went forward to call her "teacher" or "Sister Flora." Obviously, the host treated Flora more enthusiastically than others, "Flora, you're here. Sit down and have a rest."

"It's still a while before filming. Who's that? Get a glass of water for Flora."

Sitting out of the crowd, no one paid attention to Ashley. Although she had become a popular star recently and the number of her fans had increased rapidly, she was still a new neophyte in this circle, powerless and influential.

The open stage outside began to enliven the atmosphere. The audience was trained to read slogans once and again. At this time, the photographer also took some spectator photos for later editing. Sitting quietly at the side, Ashley was surrounded by a boisterous crowd. At this moment, she was like a forgotten corner. Looking at the ground, her thoughts slowly wandered.

She hadn't seen Jasper for half a month. It had been a long time since they last met. Those time she spent with him in his office made her feel like it was a lifetime ago. She started to think carefully about what she had seen him last time, but she couldn't remember a thing. On the morning Henry came back to work, she was too busy to ask Henry questions and paid no attention to Jasper.

She seemed to have only two glances at him. One was she greeted with him when he came out of his villa, the other was she say goodbye to him after he got on his car. They met twice. He didn't look at her seriously. When she looked at him, he looked away.

She didn't know what was wrong. She just felt that they were a little far from each other.

"Ashley, what are you thinking about?"

When she came back to her senses, she saw Flora sitting next to her. Putting on a smile on her face, Ashley greeted, "Hello, Flora."

Flora patted her on the shoulder and said, "I didn't see you in the office recently. Did you offend Mr. Jasper so that he doesn't ask you to stay in his office?

On the stage in front, the emcee began to tease each other. It seemed that the shooting had already started. Looking at the other artists in the backstage, they were tidying up their clothes and makeup. When the emcee finished, they would go on the stage.

She felt the shoulder that was patted by Flora was a little stiff. "Some time ago, Henry was on a business trip. Mr. Jasper saw that I had nothing to do, so he asked me to help him deal with the trifles for two days. Now Henry is back, so Mr. Jasper naturally doesn't need me. So I didn't go to his office."

"Really?" Flora lowered her head with a smile. "I've known Mr. Jasper for a long time, but I've never seen him asked any artists to stay in his office every day. He treats you differently."

Ashley was wearing a thin sweater and ripped jeans. Although the heating was provided at the venue, she still felt a little cold after sitting for such a long time. The atmosphere became even more intense when Flora patted her on the shoulder. Ashley clenched her fists tightly in her cuff to keep herself from trembling out of the coldness. "Is that so? I don't think there's anything different about it. Mr. Jasper is scrupulous in separating public from private interests, and he is fair in work. He treats me and you the same."

"Haha." Flora smiled in a low voice and held Ashley more tightly. "No, you're wrong. We're different!"

The pain from Ashley made her frown. Seeing that, Jamie was about to step forward to give a hand, but she was stopped outside by several assistant of Flora. As they were in the TV station, and there were many audiences outside, so Jamie didn't dare to make too much noise. She could only anxiously Watch Ashley being bullied by Flora.

"What exactly do you want to say, Flora?" Ashley didn't want to piss Flora off. 'On the one hand, Flora was her senior sister apprentice. On the other hand, she didn't know Flora's background. If they fall out with each other, Flora will come to Jasper and get me into trouble. I can't stop Flora.' She thought.

Flora whispered in her ear, "You're a new comer. I should have the priority to get Mr. Jasper's resources. Only when I don't need them can you have the chance to participate in the competition. In this way, we can call it just and fair.

Sure enough, it was because of Harry's movie. Although Ashley didn't want to make trouble, it was not her fault, and she really didn't want to flatter Flora. She tilted her head and smiled. In a soft voice, Ashley said, "Flora, as for the resources, I don't think I can make the decision. You should tell Mr. Jasper about this."


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