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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 178

Chapter 178 Everything Had Passed 

After the words fell, there was a long silence between us. It was too quiet, and I didn’t have the mood to talk to him more. I was just focused on driving. 

“Is that scar from when you and Ezra fell off the cliff?” He suddenly blurted out inexplicably. 

For a moment, I didn’t react, and absentmindedly responded, “Hmm, huh?” 

Realizing what he was asking, I frowned subconsciously, wanting to say something. His deep and cold voice came again, “After all these years, in your eyes, have I become a joke?” 

I pursed my lips, remaining silent. 

He gave a bitter smile, mocking himself, “Mistook the person, protected the wrong one, and even hurt you.” 

“Mr. Hinton,” I began, my voice steady, “All is in the past. The reason I saved you back then was simply because I couldn’t abandon a fellow man who, like me, was deeply mired in the abyss. I didn’t tell your because I didn’t think it was necessary. Even if it wasn’t you I saved, it would have been someone else. So, you don’t need to feel indebted to me. Moreover, when the Conner Group faced problems, it was you and your grandmother who stepped in to help the Conner family, solving a pressing problem for my father. We don’t owe each other anything.” 

Taking a slight breath, I added, “As for other things, you don’t need to feel indebted, after all, I accepted the house and money you gave.” 

An unborn child, perhaps miscarriage was his best destination. To say 




it didn’t hurt would be a lie, but things were already settled. Venting anger or seeking revenge, I’ve done it all, and I’ve let it go. 

Holding the steering wheel, I glanced at Walter’s right hand out of the corner of my eye. The wound I had brutally stabbed through had already healed, the only visible sign was a patch of pink new scar where the scab had fallen off. 

An unformed child, in exchange for his right hand that could no longer exert gravity, perhaps, it became heavier. 

But things had come to this, it was all in the past. 

Walter’s face was gloomy, devoid of any expression. I didn’t pry, nor did I have the intention to. Regardless of what he was thinking, to me, he was now just an insignificant person. 

Perhaps not knowing what else to say, Walter remained silent all the way to the hospital. 

Hospital, ward. 

Carley had already woken up, and Emma was by her bed, feeding her porridge. Seeing us arrive, Carley waved at me, her face kind and gentle, “Tabatha, you’re here. Come over, have you had breakfast yet?” 

I nodded, looking at her much thinner cheeks, and said, “Grandma, are you feeling better?” 

She grunted in acknowledgement, laughing, “Much better now. You, Dale, told me everything about that day. Luckily, you arrived just in time, otherwise, I would have really gone to meet the old man underground.” 

I quickly shook my head, saying, “No way.” I originally wanted to say some blessings, but I’m not a person who can say nice things, so I could only blurt out a few words. 





Carley didn’t mind either, and started chatting with me about other things. Emma took the opportunity to bring up the matter of going to the holiday resort when Carley was feeling better. Carley was in a good mood, so she agreed directly, looking at me and saying, “Tabatha, you’ve been quite busy lately. It’s just right, let’s go together. I heard that the resort newly developed by Walter has nice scenery and good weather. It’s much warmer than our River City.” 

I nodded with a smile, momentarily unable to find any other excuses. 

Carley seemed to be in good condition, and the atmosphere in the ward was also pleasant. In the midst of our lively conversation, half an apple suddenly appeared in front of me. I paused subconsciously and looked 


Looking at Walter’s cold face, he looked at me, his voice faint, “Try it, it’s sweet.” 


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