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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 102

Chapter 102 

Grace got out of the car and quickly walked into the villa with the box. She immediately locked the door

After locking the door, she immediately locked all the windows. She even locked the windows on the second floor tightly

When she was done, she sat on the sofa, breathing heavily

The new house was empty and quiet. At this moment, Grace was extremely nervous. Even the slightest movement was able to alarm her. 

She walked slowly to the balcony

The black car was parked by the roadside not far away. The window was closed, and Grace could not see if the person inside had come out

She took out her phone and took a photo before sending it to Nancy

[It’s this car. I’m not 100% sure that he’s the person who robbed me that day, so don’t call the police for the time being. Be careful when you come over.

After sending this message, Grace walked back to the living room to put away the bag of bamboo charcoal that was used for formalin removal. When Grace walked to the living balcony outside the kitchen, she suddenly saw the scarfaced man at the entrance of the first floor

He was pushing the door open. When he realized that he could not push it open, he ran to look at the doors and windows elsewhere

Realizing that all the doors and windows were locked, he raised his head and looked upstairs. Grace was so frightened that she quickly hid behind the pillar

Her heart was pounding. She stuck her neck out to take a look. The scarfaced man was obviously unwilling to give up. He walked to the other side of the villa and checked around to see if there was anywhere he could climb into the villa

At this moment, Nancy’s car drove in. Grace hurriedly gave her a call and asked her to stop by the side and not to do anything

Nancy sat in the car and watched the man walk around the villa. Nancy was so nervous that her heart was about to jump 

out of her chest

Tinley Hills was a highclass villa area. In terms of safety, it was still relatively reassuring, unless the scarfaced man broke through the window. However, the man did not have the guts to do so in broad daylight

The scarfaced man looked around and realized that he could not enter the villa. He suddenly realized that something was 


Even if she has the habit of closing the door behind her, it’s impossible for her to lock all the doors and windows. The only possibility is if she had discovered him! Perhaps there will even be police officers arriving later, the scarfaced man thought

Thinking of this possibility, the scarfaced man looked around vigilantly. He pulled on his mask and quickly walked back to his car before driving away

Chapter 102 

Grace heaved a sigh of relief. She supported herself against the wall and went downstairs to open the door

Nancy hurried over to support her weight. Grace

Vare you?” 

Grace felt unsafe and waved her hand. I’m fine. Let’s go back to the car quickly.” 

Alright!Nancy nodded heavily

Grace sat in the car and felt weak all over. She didn’t dare to imagine that if Brian hadn’t come to pick her up yesterday, she wouldn’t have discovered Louise’s secret

Then todaymaybe I won’t even live to see another day, Grace thought


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