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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 53

Chapter 53 

Justin finally calmed down when he saw Grace standing in front of him unharmed

Grace resisted the urge to cry and walked up to him. Why is it you?” 

Justin took her arm and looked her up and down. When he saw the blisters on her arm, he frowned. Why did you do this to yourself? Your face, too.” 

Justin reprimanded helplessly, Since you want to cut ties with me, you have to take good care of yourself. Since take good care of yourself, don’t blame me for interfering in your matters!” 

Grace looked at him with tears and laughter. Thank you.” 

Justin felt a faint sense of pity in his heart. He rubbed her hair and said, Let’s go. I’ll bring you out.” 

After getting into Justin’s car, Grace said in a daze, I don’t want to go home.” 

But she didn’t know where to go

Justin turned his head to look at her. He did not ask anything and only said, Okay” 

you can’t 

The car stopped in front of an apartment building. Get out of the car. This is an apartment I just bought. No one has lived here since it was renovated. You can stay here for now,” 

Thank you.” 

Grace got out of the car and followed Justin. The elevator reached the 15th floor, and Justin opened the door with a password

The apartment was not big. There was only one bedroom and one living room. It was just right for Grace to live alone. Rest for a while. I’ll go buy you some food.” 

Grace replied tiredly. Okay.” 

Justin returned, not only did he buy food, but he also bought a lot of daily necesses for her. He bought almost everything that she would use in daily life

He had even bought her pajamas and underwear. Grace could definitely stay here for a while

Justin placed the food on the table and urged her to eat

the food on the table

The food he bought tasted very light and delicious. As Grace ate, her tears suddenly fell into the food on 

Justin’s heart skipped a beat. He took out a tissue and wiped her tears. It’s just a meal. Why are you crying?” 

Hearing his gentle voice, Grace felt even worse

It had been a long time since someone had spoken to her so gently. It had been a long time since someone had cared for her and protected her like this

Grace could not stop crying. Justin was at a loss. He could only gently hold her shoulders and coax her like a child

Chapter 53 


100% 13:16 

Finally, after venting all the grievances in her heart, she stopped crying and finished the remaining food which was still 


Justin bought some ointment to treat burns and applied it to her arm. He said gently to her, Go to bed and rest for a while.” 

In fact, he had a lot to ask her, but seeing her cry so sadly, he couldn’t bear to mention her wounds again

Justin was worried about her. At night, he slept in the living room


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