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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 124

Chapter 124 

Grace was discharged

Justin brought her to his apartment, the same house that Grace had lived in before

He helped Grace tidy up the room and said to her, You don’t have to worry about anything as you stay here. Call me if 

need anything.” 

Grace was looking down at her phone. When she heard his words, she locked her phone screen and looked up at him

Thank you, Justin.” 

Following her voice, Justin’s phone rang with the sound of a notification

Justin took out his phone and looked at it. He frowned. Grace, what are you doing?” 

The phone screen indicated that Grace had transferred money to him

Grace smiled and said. Rent.” 

Justin’s expression changed slightly. Grace, what do you take me for?” 

Grace stopped smiling and looked at him seriously. Justin, I owe you a lot. I don’t want to owe you 


Grace, I’ve never felt that you owed me anything. I treat you as one of my own, so I’m willing to pay for you!” 


Grace’s eyes darkened. Justin, I understand your intentions, but please respect my choice. I’m lucky to be able to have you as a friend, but I can’t accept your help without any bottom line. If you don’t accept the rent, I can only move out.” 

When Justin heard her words, he panicked. No, no, no. Don’t move out. I’ll take it.” 

Grace was finally at ease

Justin’s heart was heavy. Although Grace stayed, in Grace’s heart, she considered Justin an outsider

Justin took a deep breath and looked at her beautiful face. It doesn’t matter. We have a long time. We’ll take it slow, Justin thought

After Grace settled down, she went to the hospital to see Carson

Are you alright?Grace asked hesitantly, looking at her younger brother

Carson closed his eyes and said indifferently, I won’t die yet.” 

Grace lowered her eyes and said softly, I’m sorry.” 


Chapter 124 

Carson opened his eyes and looked at her. I don’t blame you. I heard from Dad that Mom went to Brian and messed things up.” 

Grace did not know how to comfort Carson

Can you not put on such a bitter face all day long? You look like I don’t have much time left. We haven’t found a suitable bone marrow, so I can’t treat it even if I have money.” 

Grace felt terrible. This feeling of watching her family fall sick while being helpless was suffocating

She looked up at the ceiling and forced back the moist liquid in her eyes. I’m useless. Three years have been wasted.” 


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