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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13 

Louise looked down and suddenly noticed that the light outside the courtyard was on, and Melvin was closing the door

She immediately walked downstairs and shouted at Melvin, Melvin.” 

Melvin turned around and respectfully asked, Miss Adkins, haven’t you slept yet?” 

Hmm. I was awakened by something just now. I found Brian wasn’t in the house. Where did he go?” 

Melvin lowered his eyes slightly, but his mind was turning quickly. He calmly said, It seems the company has something urgent.” 

Really?Louise pursed her lips

I’m not sure about the specifics,” Melvin replied

Louise nodded and turned back to the room

Not long after, Brian and Grace arrived at the hospital. Grace followed Dr. Ford’s instructions and found Dr. Stewart. Dr. Stewart nodded to her and took her to the second floor while saying to Brian, The family is outside. I’ll take her for a checkup first.” Brian nodded slightly

Dr. Stewart closed the door and said to Grace, Follow me.” Dr. Stewart led her through a door, through a corridor, and up to the third floor, which was the OB/GYN department

After the examination, Grace asked anxiously, Doctor, how is it? Is there anything wrong with the baby?” 

There is a slight bleeding. Did you stand too long today?” 

Grace nodded

Remember not to stand like this again. I’ll give you some medicine later, and you’ll have to take a drip. Then you have to rest well when you get home.” 

Thank you, doctor.” 

You’re welcome. I’ll take you downstairs.” 

Brian received a call from Melvin, who repeated everything Louise had asked him. Brian had just hung up the phone when he saw Grace walking out with the doctor

He narrowed his eyes and asked, How is she?” 


She may have hurt her stomach by not eating on time. Dr. Ford also said she had a stomach problem. It have worsened a bit because of not eating on time. In addition, she has a little anemia, which is her old problem,” Dr. Stewart told him. Brian breathed a sigh of relief

I’ll prescribe some medication for her, and she’ll need an IV tonight.” 


Grace went into the hospital room, lost in her thoughts, while Brian followed her inside. It didn’t take long before a nurse hooked her up to the IV

Aren’t you going back?Grace asked, seeing him still seated in the room

Why? Does my presence bother you?Brian glanced at her, furrowing his brow, his tone sour


Deep down, she longed for his company, but after these past two years, especially since Louise arrived, she understood she shouldn’t expect kindness from him. Yet today, Brian surprisingly showed an 

unprecedented tenderness, even telling her, Go to sleep. I’ll stay here watching the drip. I’ll leave once the IV’s done.” 

Grace was taken aback by this attention, even questioning if she had misheard. She hadn’t thought he could be so caring

After a while, his phone suddenly rang. Grace could guess who would call Brian at such a late hour

Sure enough, the next second, she heard Brian gently say into the phone, Louise.” 

Louise’s voice trembled. Brian, where did you go? I had a terrible dream and wanted to find bedroom was empty. I’m so scared!” 

you, but your 

There was an emergency at the company.” Brian glanced at Grace on the hospital bed, his eyebrows lightly knitted. He spoke to the phone, Alright, go to sleep first. There are plenty of people at home. You’ll be fine.” 

Louise’s voice fell silent momentarily as if she hadn’t expected him to say that. In that silence, Brian felt a strong sense of disappointment coming from the other end of the call. Suddenly, he felt a heavy burden in his heart

Okay, thenI’ll wait for you to come back.Louise bit her lip, her voice trembling

Louise, you don’t have to waitBefore he could finish, Louise hung up the phone, and all Brian heard was the beeping sound of the disconnected call

After the call ended, Brian looked at his phone, his forehead creased in a frown

On the hospital bed, Grace gave a bitter smile. You should go. I don’t need someone to keep me company.” 

Brian retorted harshly, Enough talk! You’re sick, and you still have the energy to blabber?” 

I have the call button here. When I need to change the drip, I’ll use it. You better go home and keep Miss Adkins company. Hurting Miss Adkins would probably trouble you, wouldn’t it!?” 

When did you become so eloquent?Brian squinted

I’m just stating the facts,Grace replied

Brian scoffed. Don’t assume others are as petty as you are. Louise won’t mind this kind of thing!” 

Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.Grace selfmockingly laughed, turning away from him and falling silent

Brian glanced at his phone, becoming hesitant. He wanted to stay with Grace, yet he also wanted to be with Louise. He didn’t know what to do

His phone suddenly received a text message from Louise. [Brian, I can’t sleep. I want to come to the office to find you. Can I?


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