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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 133

Chapter 133 

Aren’t doctors supposed to be very busy? Who would’ve thought that the famous Dr. Vance would be able to find time to attend his father’s birthday banquet?” 

A slightly rough voice sounded

Justin paused and slowly turned to look at him

The man was donning a black formal suit. He looked at Justin arrogantly, his lips curled into a mocking smile

The man shared many similar features to Justin. Grace guessed that the man was likely Justin’s half- 


However, it was obvious from the man’s odd tone that he did not come harboring good intentions

Justin’s face remained expressionless as he said indifferently, I’m afraid you’ve misunderstood. I’m here to see Grandpa. I have no intentions of greeting the father you mentioned.” 

Ethan laughed coldly. Yes, you’re just as high and mighty as ever. Is that your strategy? To curry favor with the old man so that everything will go your way? You pretend to be aloof on the outside, but 

you probably already have detailed plans for the Vance family assets, am I right?” 

Justin frowned and replied sarcastically, Ethan, even though I do not dabble specifically in business, I’ve heard things about the Vance Group. It seems that the subsidiary company under your care has been going downhill. I wonder how you have the time to come here and show off. Heed 

my advice and spend more of that energy taking care of your own business instead.” 

It was obvious that Justin’s words hit a sore spot for Ethan. Ethan instantly flew into a rage and glared at Justin as he reached for a glass of wine and threw the contents of the glass at Justin

Justin did not have time to dodge and merely tilted his head slightly with his eyes closed. However, the splash of wine that he expected never came

When Justin opened his eyes, he saw Grace standing in front of him. Her face and ch*st were now wet with wine

The surrounding crowd descended into a hushed silence as they looked over and observed the scene play out in front of them

In the booth, Brian, who saw this scene, clenched his fists tightly and stood up from the table

BrianWhat are you doing?Ava had also witnessed the scene

She quickly went forward to comfort him. Brian, don’t be angry. I know that you’ll definitely feel a little uncomfortable when you see her being bullied, but if you go up now, people will gossip.” 

Ava took this chance and handed him the glass of wine. Brian, come, have a glass of wine to calm 





Chapter 133 


Ava was right. We are already divorced. Why should I care about her? Besides, Justin was the reason she got caught in the crossfire. She deserved it! Brian thought

Brian gritted his teeth in anger. He accepted the wine Ava handed over and downed it in one gulp

Ava’s eyes lit up when she saw that Brian had finally drunk the wine

Brian, shall I bring you back to rest?” 

Ava stood in front of him, blocking his view. Brian pushed her out of the way

Get out of the way. If you want to go back, go back yourself.” 

Ava bit her lip and took a deep breath. It didn’t matter. In a while, Brian would be hers


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