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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 143

Chapter 143 

She continued to persuade him, Justin, I know you must have suffered a lot growing up with mother all these years, but your father also wants to make it up to you all these years.” 


It was unknown if Justin was listening to her. He looked down at the medical records on the table, picked up a pen, and continued working

Angie said a lot, but he remained unmoved

Angie was about to give up when someone knocked on the door. Both of them looked up at the same time

Mr. Justin, the roses you ordered are here.A delivery man stood at the door with a bouquet of fiery red roses

A smile finally appeared on Justin’s face. Put it on the table. Thank you.” 

Angie looked at the bouquet of roses in surprise. When she thought of what Justin had said just now, she opened her mouth in disbelief

The significance of red roses was widely known and universally understood. Red roses traditionally symbolized love, passion, and deep affection. They were often associated with romantic gestures and expressions of strong emotions

Even though Justin was generally gentle with everyone, he wasn’t known for casually sending flowers to just anyone. She wondered what might have transpired during her absence to prompt such a gesture

Angie took a while to find her voice. Justin, have you got a girlfriend?” 

Justin said lightly, “I’m still pursuing it.” 

Angie frowned. So you’re going out for dinner with her tonight.” 

Justin nodded slightly and smiled

Where are you meeting?Angie asked curiously

Luxe Cuisine,Justin replied

Angie nodded mechanically, thinking, It was the most expensive restaurant in Capern City. It seemed that he was very concerned about this woman

She pondered who was fortunate enough to be the favored lady in his eyes

Who is she?Angie continued to ask curiously

Justin’s hand, holding the pen, paused. He looked up at her. Grace.” 




Chapter 143 

Angie experienced a surprise upon learning that the lady in question was Grace, someone she did not expect at all

She had actually thought of this possibility just now. Previously, Justin had indeed taken good care 

of Grace

However, Grace had a child. Moreover, her background was so complicated. Angie felt that Justin would not like Grace. At most, he would just pity her and sympathize with her

However, she did not expect that after staying by Justin’s side for so many years, she could not compare to a pregnant woman with an unclean background

Angie asked softly, Justin, are you joking with me?” 

Justin smiled. Do you think I would joke about such a thing?” 

Angie could not help but raise her voice. Have you forgotten that she has a child?” 

I didn’t forget.” 


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