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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 152

Chapter 152 

Carson’s eyes darkened. Our game was plagiarized.” 

Plagiarized? Who’s so hateful?” 

It’s a subsidiary of the Vance Corporation.” 

Grace furrowed her brow. The Vance Corporation belonged to Justin’s father

Don’t worry about these things for the time being. I’ll think of a way for you.” 

Carson pursed his lips. What can you think of?” 

Grace did not want to bicker with a patient. She lowered her head and continued with her work

After a while, Daisy came with a lunch box

She put down the lunch box and sat for a while before she couldn’t wait to leave. Both Grace and Carson could tell that she wanted to play cards

Carson stopped her. Mom, stay here with me. Let me go back.” 

Daisy said unhappily, Your mother is already so old, why am I still staying up late? Your sister is so young. What’s wrong with letting her stay up all night?” 

Daisy glanced at the time on her phone and ran away

Grace guarded Carson in the ward for the entire night. There was no small bed here to accompany him. She could only sit on the chair and lie on the bed to sleep

The next morning, Grace called Daisy to ask when she would bring breakfast. No one answered the call

Carson sneered. I’m afraid he didn’t go back until midnight last night.” 

Grace locked his phone and looked at him. I’ll buy you breakfast outside.” 


Emergency calls only Mu 

Chapter 152 



Grace got up and went to the breakfast shop not far from the hospital to buy breakfast. There seemed to be an abnormally large number of people buying breakfast today. They did not look like people from 

the hospital

Unintentionally, she heard the conversation between two tall girls

What district were you assigned to?” 

Sigh, don’t mention South District. Our district is seriously short of people now. I have to stand from morning to night. The auto show will start tomorrow. I wonder if the manager can recruit anyone.” 

Only then did Grace remember that Capern City was holding a car exhibition recently. The exhibition 

center was nearby

These people were probably here to participate in the auto show. Grace asked the two girls just now, and after understanding the general salary, she hurriedly carried her breakfast back to the ward

Grace glanced at the tablet and thought for a moment before taking it with her

With Daisy’s personality, it would take away anything valuable

While eating breakfast, Carson watched her pack her things and asked in confusion, Sister, where are you going?” 

Convention center,replied Grace

Grace hurried over with her backpack

The car model mainly looked at the face and figure. There was nothing much to interview. The manager asked her to pose a few times. When she felt that there was no problem, she began to tell Grace the working hours and working details

In the evening, the manager arranged accommodation. The next day, she went to the exhibition center early in the morning to put on makeup and change her clothes

After putting on makeup, Grace walked into the changing room with the dress


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