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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 157

Chapter 157 

Brian gripped the steering wheel slightly

Camren asked, Mr. Francis, are you trying to help?” 

Brian didn’t say anything when his phone suddenly dinged. He glanced at it. It was another consumer notification from a luxury store

Even with her younger brother’s life hanging in the balance, she continued to indulge in shopping. Instead of using her resources to save her sibling, she prioritized buying designer handbags for herself

He chose not to help her after being frustrated and angered by her actions, believing she should face the consequences of her choices

Brian said angrily. Ignore her.” 

The steering wheel in his hand tilted slightly, and Brian stopped by the side. He exited the message and stared blankly at the main screen of the phone for a while. For some reason, his fingers clicked on the browser

He entered the title of the book he had just seen on the tablet into the search engine and clicked search

The first search result is marked with small blue text indicating (official first release.] He clicked on it and entered the comics introduction page

The pen name was Chaos Dreamer

The comics had already been updated to chapter 15. He read it chapter by chapter. The content was not very conflicting, but it was very warm. The female lead was picked up from the streets and lived in an ordinary family since she was young. However, her adoptive parents gave her love that was no less than that of her biological 


Brian immediately thought of Grace’s mother

She was such a mean, lazy woman. She must have drawn this comics because she yearned for a warm and original family

Brian saw the latest chapter in the comics serialization and then withdrew to add the comics to his collection. He wanted to reward it but paused for a long time. Finally, he left the page. Then, he drove back to his villa

Just as he went upstairs to change his clothes, Ava appeared out of nowhere with an LV box in her hand. She ran over and said to him with a smile, Brian, I bought you a gift.” 

Brian looked at her. What gift?” 

Ava took out a belt and walked up to him. Here, I personally chose it for you. Do you like it?” 

Brian frowned slightly. He looked at the clothes on her b*dy. It seemed that her clothes had not been the same recently, and they were all luxury brands

Has your father given you a lot of pocket money lately?he asked mildly

Ava took the cad with the skin in one hand. She lowered her eyes and lied, Yes,” 




Chapter 157 

Ava wrapped his arms around his waist and was about to test his belt when back 

The belt in her hand fell to the ground

Ava exclaimed and bent down to pick it up

At that morient, a black card with the name Brian slid out of her clothes bag

Aca was only focused on checking whether the buckle on his belt had been damaged without realizing that her bank cand had already fallen out 

Brian narrowed his eyes and bent down to pick up the card

When Ava saw the item in his hand, she subconsciously touched her pocket and sucked in a cold breath

She looked at him fearfully and took a step back

Brian suddenly understood everything. It turned out that Ava had been using this card all along. Grace had never been used before

She wore high heels under the sun as a car model, carning just 240 dollars a day to cover her brother’s medical expenses, as he was unwell and lacked the funds needed

This clarified why he found her recent extravagant shopping for luxury items to be highly unusual

Ava looked at his gloomy face and shrank back in fear. Brian, listen to me. I found this card accidentally 

Where did you pick it up?” 


Chapter 157 

Ava wrapped his arms around his waist and was about to test his belt when Brian suddenly jolted and took a step 


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