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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 165

Chapter 165 

Grace was stunned. She held her phone as if she were holding a hot potato

She pondered the identity of this reader and how affluent they must be to be rewarded with such generous tips. consistently

At this moment, Justin walked in from outside. He placed the medical record on the table and asked, What’s wrong

me too many times. I feel a little afraid.” 

Justin looked at her in amusement. You were tipped because your comics is wellliked by the other party. What 

Grace pondered for a moment and said, This person has ti 

are you afraid of?” 

Im just a newbie who just started serializing comics. My drawing skills aren’t considered high, and the plot isn’t like other works on the website. Don’t you think it’s strange to receive so many tips under such circumstances?” 

What’s so strange about that? Grace, don’t deny yourself. You’re very good. Maybe someone will want to buy your copyright tomorrow and adapt it into a television drama.” 

Grace chuckled. Stop daydreaming.” 

I’m late bringing food today. You must be starving, right?” 

Justin looked at her and pretended to be aggrieved. Yes, I’m starving. I’ve been waiting for you for so long,” 

Grace said guiltily, I’m sorry. I’ll definitely send food over early tomorrow. There was an accident on the way today.” 

When Justin heard her mention the accident, his heart skipped a beat. “What accident? Are you alright?” 

Grace pursed her lips and lowered her eyes. Justin’s heart froze. You met Brian?” 

I met him while waiting for the bus.” 

It’s okay. Next time you go out and take a taxi, don’t take the bus

Grace nodded. Okay.” 

Grace would never have thought that what Justin said yesterday would become reality today

Early in the morning, Grace received a call from the platform. An entertainment company named S.E expressed nterest in acquiring the rights to her work for adaptation into film or television

Grace thought that she was dreaming and pinched her thigh hard. It was so painful that tears flowed out

she was afraid that she would meet a swindler. She would only dare to believe the truth after confirming it with her editor, editorinchief, and editorinchief

Not long after, the personincharge of S.E came to talk to her about the copyright fees

fter all the questions were finalized, Grace was still in a daze. No matter how she thought about it, she felt uneasy

Chapter 165 

Despite the comics’s strong sales and positive reputation since its release, the decision to purchase the copyright outright before Grace had completed her work seemed overly hasty 

Grace went online to research S.E, an entertainment company


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