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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 172

Chapter 172 

The weather in Capern City has been unpredictable recently. Grace sat in front of the floortoceiling window and drew. He sneezed a few times

She hurriedly put on her clothes, but she still couldn’t escape the glorious cold

Grace’s comics had been updated by almost twothirds

Ever since she signed the contract and found out that the fan who tipped her was Brian, he had never tipped her again

Grace would still deliver food to Justin whenever he had the time

As soon as she finished packing the food, her phone rang 

She glanced at the caller ID, and her eyes darkened. Brian. Why was he calling her

Her intuition told her that nothing good was going to happen

She slowly picked up the phone and asked coldly, Mr. Francis, what’s the matter?” 

Brian was slightly dissatisfied when he heard her indifferent and distant tone

Your comics is ready to launch. The audition will begin at two in the afternoon, on the second floor of the Prosperity Pavilion.” 

There was a forceful command in his tone that made Grace uncomfortable

Mr. Francis, the audition is between your producer and the director, right? What do you mean by telling me? Do you want me to go?” 

Brian sneered. You’re right. I want you to come. Moreover, you have to come. Look at the contract. Article 18. clearly states that Party B is obligated to assist Party A in completing the project better. Choosing a role is a very important thing. Only you know every role the best. Therefore, Miss Sherman must participate in the entire audition

Grace rubbed her temples. Brian, I can handle choosing the main actor, but I don’t need to be involved in selecting the supporting actor, correct?” 

Brian paused for a moment. Do you have a cold?” 

Grace did not want to talk to him anymore and hung up

She glanced at the lunch box and called Justin. Justin, I’m sorry. The movie audition is about to start. I can’t deliver lunch today. You have to order takeout.” 

Justin paused for a moment before saying, Alright, be careful.” 

Yeah,replied Grace

Grace finished her lunch and looked at the weather outside. She changed into a Tshirt and a sweater before heading to the Prosperity Pavilion

Chapter 172 

Grace had just arrived at the audition venue when he saw Brian sitting on the judging panel

To her surprise, Ava was sitting beside her

They seemed to be very close. Ava poured coffee for him and personally brought it to his mouth, looking at him affectionately

Grace paused at the door, contemplating Ava’s presence with Brian and questioning when their relationship had 

become so intimate

Upon discovering details about their relationship, Grace felt a sharp emotional pain, as if a thorn had pierced her 


Mr. Booth was the first to greet her. Miss Sherman, come over quickly. This way


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