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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 180

Chapter 180 

Everyone happily gathered around the table to eat. Only Brian sat silently at the side and watched them coldly

Since Brian did not join the group, Ava dared not go over to join them to eat. Even if she was drooling from looking at the food, she could only watch regrettably from the side

Justin looked at Brian and put on a fake smile. Mr. Francis, aren’t you coming over to join us?” 

Before Brian could speak. Justin said, Oh, I’m sorry. You must be having lunch with Miss Adkins next to you. Sorry for disturbing the two of you.” 

Brian’s face turned dark as he said, Dr. Vance, please refrain from slandering me. I have a fiancée, but she’s studying abroad now. Miss Adkins is my personal secretary. Dr. Vance, please be careful with your words in the future.” 

Brian’s words made Ava’s face turn pale

She did not dare to look Grace in the eyes. Two days ago, she had flaunted in front of Grace that she was now Brian’s girlfriend. In the end, Brian had personally clarified their relationship today

However, with so many people present, Ava could only endure her embarrassment and stand there with a smile

as exposing 

Grace was busy eating. She did not even look at Brian. To her, his explanation sounded more like he was himself

Justin smiled brightly. Really? I’m sorry, then. It seems that I’ve misunderstood. Mr. Francis, if you don’t mind. would you like to come and join us?” 

Brian snorted. Tm afraid I won’t be able to enjoy Dr. Vance’s loving meal.” 

With that, he stood up and strode away

Justin had a twoday break, and he spent both days accompanying Grace on set

The more Brian saw how close Justin and Grace were, the more unhappy he felt. The filming time at night felt longer and longer

On the day Justin was about to leave, Nancy came

Nancy was wearing a slimfitting dress and a sunhat. When she saw Grace, she ran over and hugged her, not forgetting to avoid pressing against her stomach carefully

Grace introduced Justin to Nancy. Nancy sized up Justin while drinking coffee. Then, she turned to glance at Brian

The atmosphere was awkward


Nancy’s eyes twinkled as if she was scheming something. She looked at Grace and said loudly, Dr. Vance is really compatible with you.” 

Grace hurriedly covered Nancy’s mouth. What nonsense are you talking about?” 

Justin enjoyed Nancy’s compliment very much. He looked at Grace and smiled gently. He looked as though he had stepped out a beautiful painting



Chapter 180 

In the afternoon, Justin set off for Capern City 


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