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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 187

Chapter 187 

Then, whose child was in Grace’s womb? Was it Justin’s

Brian recalled the time when he came back from a business trip. Grace was detained, and Justin brought her back to his apartment

She had stayed in his apartment for three days

Brian speculated that Grace had gotten pregnant then

Brian calculated the time and became even more convinced that the child in Grace’s womb was Justin’s

A nurse came over to give Grace an IV drip. Brian watched as she inserted the needle into the back of Grace’s hand. At last, he could not help but ask the nurse, My wife didn’t tell me she was pregnant. How long has she been pregnant?” 

The nurse replied, We’re not sure about that, but the doctor said she appears to be around four months pregnant. We’ll need to ask the patient when she wakes up when her last period was to be sure.” 

The nurse’s words completely shattered Brian’s last shred of hope

Brian stared coldly at the woman on the bed. He wanted to strangle her to death

He knew when Grace’s last period was

He remembered clearly that one night, he drank too much and almost bedded Grace. Her lower b*dy was bleeding at that time

Therefore, his deduction was correct! The child in her womb was indeed not his

This realization almost made Brian collapse

He stared at Grace’s pale face, his eyes almost popping out of his sockets. He looked at his hands and thought about how he had carried her over just now. He suddenly felt filthy! Even staying in this room made him feel dirty

Brian turned around and left the room, slamming the door behind him.. 

He was like a soulless puppet, sitting outside the corridor without moving

His mind was a mess. Thoughts and speculation flooded his mind. After a long while, he took out his phone and searched for paternity tests during pregnancy

Brian sat in the corridor without sleeping for the entire night

At eight o’clock in the morning, Brian’s phone kept ringing. He picked it up irritably

Ava asked, Brian, where are you? Weren’t you in the hotel last night?” 

Ava was flustered. She woke up early in the morning and did not see Brian. To her horror, Grace was also not 


Brian uttered in frustration, I’m at the nearby hospital


Chapter 187 

He ended the call after saying that.. 

Ava glanced at the phone screen that had turned black. She clenched her fists and rushed to the hospital immediately

The glaring sunlight outside the window awakened Grace. When she opened her eyes, she saw herself lying in the ward

She sat up on the bed

She thought. Who sent me to the hospital

She quickly recalled what happened last night. She fainted in front of Brian

So, was it Brian who brought her to the hospital

Grace’s heart was pounding. She felt that something big was about to happen


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