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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 194

Chapter 194 

After breakfast, the two of them returned to the hotel

Justin bought a used car. It was more convenient to travel and not easy to be discover 

Grace packed her things and then took the elevator with her luggage


soon as she entered the elevator, she felt a pain in her lower abdomen

She bent down slightly to ease the pain. When the elevator reached basement one, the pain in her abdomen seemed to have intensified

She lowered her head to take a look. This feeling seemed to be coming from the womb

Justin got out of the car and saw her squatting at the elevator with a pale face

He rushed over and asked anxiously, What’s wrong? Does your stomach hurt?” 

Grace nodded. Justin, I have a bad feeling… 

She tightened her grip on his shirt in fear

Justin stroked her hair comfortingly. Don’t worry. I’ll take you to the hospital right away.” 

Justin carried her horizontally and rushed to the nearest hospital

After a few examinations, the doctor walked into the ward with the examination report. Did you eat anything that has the effect of invigorating the circulation of blood?” 

Grace thought for a moment and said, Yesterday, I had some pasta, beef, and vegetables. This morning, I had some plain coffee added with a kind of local specialty. There shouldn’t be any problems with the food I ate, right?” 

The doctor frowned and asked, The local specialty? Are you sure you’ve taken it?” 

Grace nodded. What’s wrong? Is there a problem with that?” 

It’s usually unknown to the tourists that the local specialty that is usually added into coffee contains alcohol, which has an irritating effect on the uterus and can promote uterine contractions leading to miscarriage.” 

Grace’s heart skipped a beat. She thought of the waiter in the restaurant in thei silently

ng and clenched her fists 

The baby is fine. Under normal circumstances, you would only miscarry after a certain extent of alcohol intake. However, pregnant women should try to avoid alcohol as much as possible.” 

I see. Thank you, doctor. Grace still had lingering fears

You’re welcome. Since you’re out of danger now, remember to rest well and pay attention to what you eat.” 

The doctor left the ward after giving his instructions

After Grace finished the IV drip. Justin brought her back to the car. Justin drove back to the bakery where they had 



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Chapter 194 

breakfast in the morning

Justin gently stroked her hair. Wait for me in the car. I’ll lock the door. You’ll be very safe here, so you don’t need to be afraid, okay?” 


Justin smiled at her, got out of the car, and walked into the bakery


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