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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 213

Grace came to Jacksonville by taxi. She did not leave any of her identity information throughout the journey.

Therefore, it would be difficult for Brian to find Grace even if he could confirm she was not dead.

Brian had made numerous trips to Seefer City. He even searched for the surrounding cities centered around Seefer City but still had no news of Grace.

He did not know why he was so obsessed with finding her. Perhaps it was because of the child she was carrying. He wanted to find out who the child belonged to.

In the office.

After reporting the day's itinerary to Brian, Camren said, "Mr. Francis, we're going to Jacksonville next Tuesday to participate in the bidding for the sewage treatment plant project in the Petanic."

"Got it." Brian rubbed the corners of his eyes tiredly.


The phone rang.

Grace, busy outside the shop, walked through the flowers to the cashier to answer the phone.

"Hello, I need to customize the bouquets for a venue. The address is on the third floor of the municipal square in Petanic."

"Okay. I'll come over and take a look at the venue immediately."

Grace hung up the phone and said to the girl spraying water on the flowers and plants outside, "Tina, I'll go to the municipal square. You watch the shop, please."

Tina looked at Grace with the kettle in her hands. "Why did you run so far with such a big belly? I'll go with you."

Then she put down the kettle and moved all the potted plants outside into the shop.

Grace laughed. "I can do it alone."

Tina did not allow anyone to interfere. "No, there's no room for negotiation. We can earn less money, but your safety is all that matters!"

Tina quickly tidied up the shop and locked the door.

Tina went to the parking lot and drove the car out. They two got into the car together.


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