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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30 

However, soon, she realized she had been mistaken. She quickly discovered her error

By around five in the afternoon, mosquitoes from the bushes outside the villa started flying in as the sun descended 

In less than a minute, her legs were covered in mosquitoes, densely packed, and she couldn’t fend them off no matter how 

much she swatted

Those workers wore long sleeves and pants, causing almost all the mosquitoes to swarm around Grace Sherman, leaving her the sole target for their bites

She had to stand up and walk around, yet the mosquitoes continued to chase after her

Finally, it reached six o’clock, but the workers showed no sign of wrapping up for the day

Hey, it’s already six o’clock, why aren’t you guys finishing work?” 

One of the workers installing wires said, Young lady, Miss Adkins said this is a new house, and they must move in quick, so we have to work overtime until eight o’clock every day.” 

Eight o’clockGrace gasped in disbelief

She thought, Isn’t that practically killing me

At Francis Group

Brian Francis looked at the message on his phone; his expression darkened to the extreme

The phone displayed a picture of Justin Vance and Grace strolling in the small garden outside the hospital. Grace had at radiant smile as she gazed at him affectionately 

One of the nurses at their hospital took this photo and shared it with their nursing group

Brian had a friend in the Cardiology Department at Southside Hospital. After hearing what Louise Adkins said last night, he 

inquired whether ce had any romantic involvement with someone 

As a result, his friend sent him this photo

He stared at Grace’s smiling face in the photo, wishing he could pull her out of the screen and viciously tear apart her smile


Growing increasingly furious, he left the office at five in the after 

When he arrived home, Grace wasn’t there. Louise kept pulling him to discuss the plans for starting a studio, and he never had the chance to ask where Grace was 

After dinner, with still no sight of Grace, he couldn’t resist asking. Where’s Grace?” 

The villa’s renovation started today, and I asked her to supervise. Is something the matter? Do you need to find her for something?” Louise glanced at him and said calmly

Chapter 30 

URN 43 20:12 

Brian’s heart skipped a beat for a moment

He thought, On such a hot day, with no electricity there yet and no air conditioning, why hasn’t she returned by this time?” 

Seeing his confusion, Louise took the initiative to explain, I was afraid the renovation wouldn’t be finished on time, so I asked the workers to do an extra two hours of overtime. Brian, do you have something urgent to talk to her about?” 

No, it’s nothing. My mother wanted me to ask her about something.” Brian replied

Louise let out a slow Oh but internally harbored doubts about what he had just said

Brian glanced at the time on his watch, it was already past 6 o’clock. Just then, his phone rang, and he stepped outside to answer the call

He returned to the living room and said to Louise, There’s an urgent matter at the company. I need to go back.” 

Louise began to say something, perhaps intending to offer to accompany him, but before she could, he had already briskly departed

Soon enough, his car drove away

Louise clenched her fists silently

Hopefully, he truly went to the company, she thought

Bnan drove to the newly purchased villa

The sky was nearly dark, yet the workers continued their overtime, hustling at the construction site. Grace paced back and forth inside, occasionally gesturing with her hands while walking around

Brian frowned. As soon as he stepped in, he could hear the buzzing sound of mosquitoes

Upon hearing footsteps, Grace turned around and saw Brian with a stern expression

How come you’re here?Grace paused in surprise

In that brief moment of hesitation, a mosquito landed on her cheek

Brian furrowed his brow and walked over, gently pressing on her cheek

His warm, slightly calloused palm pressed gently against Grace’s face, momentarily causing her to freeze in surprise

Observing her reaction, Brian couldn’t help but scold, Are you foolish? Standing here, letting mosquitoes bite you!” 

Two large bumps had already formed on her forehead, while her fair and smooth legs were covered in tiny red welts

Due to her exceptionally fair skin, those red marks looked particularly distressing and stood out prominently

What else can I do? Do I have any other choice?Grace asked him back while scratching the itchy spots

The man shot her a fierce glare, swatting away the annoying mosquitoes flying around. He grabbed her wrist in frustration and pulled her out, leading her along



Chapter 30 

Grace was flung into the passenger seat by him. The air conditioning was on Inside the car, and a refreshing breeze greeted her immediately

She slumped wearily into the seat

Brian rummaged through the trunk, pulled out a bottle of flora water, and handed it to her

Grace took it and applied the flora water to each red mark on her b*dy. The cooling sensation relieved much of the 


After applying, she returned the flora water to him, saying, Thank you.” 

He placed it back, resting his hands on the steering wheel, but didn’t start the car

Grace asked, Aren’t we leaving?” 

Have you eaten?Brian asked, not directly answering her question


Grace’s stomach, fittingly, made a sound that humorously mimicked a deceptive tactic, prompting her to chuckle awkwardly


The man in front seemed in a foul mood, showing no inclination to mock her. As soon as his feet moved, the car swiftly 

shot out

Grace hastily fastened 


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