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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 40

Chapter 40 

Brian grabbed Grace’s chin

You’re offering to terminate the contract. What? Are you in love with him?” 

No,Grace said

Brian hated her for acting like she didn’t care about anything. She wasn’t like this before. Why is she acting like this now?” Brian thought

In that case, it doesn’t matter what I do to him, right?” 

Grace’s eyes flashed. She asked, What do you want to do?” 

The worry in Grace’s eyes further ignited Brian’s anger

He unconsciously increased the force in his hand. And you said you didn’t care about him!said Brian.. 

Brian, if you’re mad, then take it out on me. Justin is innocent. He saved me so many times. If it weren’t for him, I would have died a long time ago! Brian, don’t hurt him! Grace pleaded


more Grace spoke up for Justin, the more the nameless fire in Brian’s heart burned even bigger. Brian wanted nothing more than to strangle her to death at once

Justin? Very good! You’re calling him on a firstname basis now! Grace, I’m telling you, I’m not going to terminate the contract. This time, it’s you who didn’t listen to me. What did I say last time? That’s exactly what I will do this time.” 

At this moment, Grace felt that Brian was the devil incarnate. Why did I fall in love with such a man?’ Grace thought

Grace bowed her head and pleaded humbly, Brian, I beg you, you can tell me to do anything. I won’t have anything to do with him from now on. Forgive me this time, okay?” 

Brian gritted his teeth. She’s begging me for the sake of another man, he thought

Not hearing his answer, Grace continued, saying, Believe it or not, I didn’t plan to go to him today. If you don’t believe me, you can ch*ck my chat history. You can even ch*ck the surveillance cameras.” 

Brian stared at her momentarily as if he was trying to see through her

Grace’s eyelids were swollen from crying. Her face was pale as paper, and her lips were bloodless

Brian felt something yanking on his heart. He looked away. He didn’t say anything as he started the car

In the silence of the car, the air became terrifyingly suffocating


At this moment, a shrill ring sounded in the car. Grace took out her phone to take a look. It was Justin calling

Without even thinking about it, she hung up the call. Her actions caught Brian’s attention

Brian glanced sideways and saw that Grace seemed to be planning to blacklist Justin’s number


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Chapter 40 

Before she could set it up, Justin’s call came in again

Grace realized that Brian was watching her

After hesitating for two seconds, she picked up the phone

It was quiet inside the car. Brian was just able to hear Justin’s voice

Grace, remember to come tomorrow to change the dressing. I’ll pick you up tomorrow. You” 


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