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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 54

Chapter 54 

The sharp pain woke her up. She took a deep breath and said coldly into the phone, Don’t worry. Your fiancée is living a comfortable life. I didn’t cause her any trouble. Is there anything else?” 


When Brian heard her cold voice, his heart trembled for some reason. After a few seconds, he said, It’s good that didn’t 

cause trouble.” 

With that, he hung up

Grace’s tears instantly burst out. In order not to make a sound, she bit her arm desperately. Her arm was bleeding from her 


After Brian hung up the phone, he threw it aside in frustration. It was noon in Yuthouburg, and his assistant had asked him to go over for lunch, but he was not in the mood

He wanted to ask her if she had been bullied at home, but after the call, he could not say anything. After holding it in for a long time, he finally said to her not to cause trouble

Camren Whitley, I will work overtime tonight and hold a video conference. Finish the project and try to return to the country 



The next day

Grace got up and saw breakfast on the table 

She looked at him in surprise. Why are you here so early?” 

I didn’t leave last night.A warm smile appeared on Justin’s face. His gaze suddenly landed on her arm and his face 


What happened to your hand?” 

Grace hurriedly hid her hand behind her back. Justin pulled her over. The deep teeth on her arm were hard and bloody

You bit yourself?Justin looked at her in disbelief

Grace lowered her head and pursed her lips. I don’t know why this happened either

She could not remember how she fell asleep last night. When she woke up in the morning, she found the teeth marks on her arm. She was even stunned for two seconds. After thinking for a while, she remembered that Brian had called her last 


Justin looked at her deeply for a while. Let’s eat. After that, I’ll bring you somewhere.” 

Grace sat down obediently

After having breakfast, Justin took the car keys and said, Let’s go,” 

Where are we going?Grace asked curiously. If it was a crowded place, she did not want to go

Chapter 54 

I’m taking you to see a friend of mine.” 

Grace was a little hesitant, but in the end, she still went because she believed in Justin

Justin drove her to a small duplex building. After parking the car, he walked ahead and pressed the doorbell

The door opened and Justin led her in. The courtyard was filled with roses, and there were many succulents under the 

window lattice

It was obvious that this was where a woman lived, and she looked like a girl who loved life very much


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