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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 59

Chapter 59 

100% 13:17 

Brian asked gloomily, What do you mean?” 

On the day Miss Sherman was locked up, I wanted to call you to inform you, but Miss Adkins didn’t allow it. The next day, Miss Sherman’s attending doctor came to look for her to refill her medication, so I asked him to quickly save Miss 


After listening to his words, Brian’s expression became even gloomier. Melvin, you’re very bold! How dare you! Who exactly is in charge of this family?” 

Mr. Brian, I really have no choice. Miss Adkins already suspects your relationship with Miss Sherman. If I call you back, it will prove that you have a deep relationship with Miss Sherman” 

Then you shouldn’t have asked Justin to save her!” 

It had been two days since Justin rescued her. She had not returned home for the past two days! Where was she staying? How could she be alone with Justin

At the thought of this, Brian could not stand it any longer. He had to find Grace immediately

Justin did not bring Grace to the orphanage today. Instead, he brought her to the amusement park

Grace didn’t like crowded places, but she understood that Justin was worried about her and wanted to treat her illness, so she tried her best to adapt 

Justin took her on a less exciting pirate ship. Grace sat on it and was so nervous that her toes scratched the ground

Justin smiled and asked, Are you afraid? If you are, hug me tightly” 

Grace shook her head. She gripped her seatbelt tightly and closed her eyes 

Her b*dy floated into the sky and quickly descended as if she had also taken away the gloom in her heart

After a few events, Grace felt her b*dy relax 

She stood under the sun with thin beads of sweat on the tip of her nose. Justin handed her a tissue. Wait for me here. I’ll 

get you some water” 

Grace smiled at him unconsciously Okay” 

Justin quickly bought the water and personally opened it to feed her

Grace chuckled. I’m not a child. I’ll do it myself 

In the end, she drank too quickly and choked hard

Justin patted her back helplessly. Look at you. You still say that you’re not a child. You might as well let me feed you.” 

At this moment, Grace’s wrist was suddenly grabbed by a force

Then, she was pulled forcefully and bumped into a hard chest. She raised her head and bumped into Brian’s dark and cold 

100% 13:17 

Chapter 59 


Grace gasped. When, When did you come back?” 

Brian sneered at her. Are you disappointed that I came back early?” 


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