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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72 

He poured some ointment onto his palm. Bear with it. It might sting a little.” 

With that, he placed his warm and dry palm on her smooth back


He had just rubbed her back gently when she cried out in pain

Brian looked over worriedly and asked, Does it hurt a lot?” 

Grace took a deep breath,” It hurs a lot less than when I was beaton. Please continue.” 

Brian increased the pressure bit by bit. He rubbed her bruises until one of them dissipated before he continued rubbing the ointment on another bruise 

Who hit you?” 

Grace thought for a moment. I think they were trying to rob me.” 

Brian sat down by the bed. As he continued to apply the ointment on the bruises, he said, You’re not even dressed that ostentatiously. Why would they rob you?” 

Grace had the same thoughts. She was clearly dressed very plainly and looked like a poor person, but she was still targeted by the robbers

I’m probably just unlucky!” 

Brian asked again, “Do you remember what they looked like?” 

Grace shook her head. They were all wearing black masks. I only remember that the leader had a scar on his forehead.” 

Brian looked at her for a while. I will look into this. I will not let them go scotfree.” 

He continued to apply the medicine for her. After a while, he was done with her back. He poured a little more ointment onto his palm and said gently, Turn around.” 

Grace tilted her head and asked, Are you done?” 

You still have a wound on your chest.” 

Grace looked at her ch*st and could not help but imagine that scene in her mind. She said awkwardly, I can see the front. I’ll do it myself.” 

Brian said calmly. I already have the ointment on my palm.” 

Closing her eyes, she turned around. Transfer the ointment onto my palm. I’ll do it myself.” 

Brian looked at her. Her cheeks were flushed. He chuckled. It’s not like I haven’t touched you there.” 

Dang it, why would he say such a thing

Chapter 72 

Grace wished she could find a hole to hide in

Forget it. You can’t do it yourself if you want to. Don’t move. Let me apply the ointment on the injuries on your face.” 

He held her down by her shoulder with one hand and placed the other palm with ointment on her face

Her checks felt especially sensitive as the heat from Brian’s palms warmed her face. As they sat facing each other, her checks felt like they were on fire

She wasn’t sure if she was seeing things, Brian’s breathing seemed to become more erratic. With each breath getting slower, heavier and more labored

After finally treating the wound on her face, he quickly stood up. Do the rest yourself. I’m going to the washroom.” 


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