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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75 

Before Grace could say anything, Brian hung up on Grace

Grace thought Brian must have already entered his house with Louise in his arms

Grace was a bit down, but when Grace thought about how Brian said he would consider it, Grace was in a relaxed mood

At the Francis estate

Louise walked over and hugged Brian’s waist, looked up at Brian, and smiled brightly

Did you work overtime today? I sent you a message, but you didn’t reply. Have you been very busy?asked Louise

Brian grunted faintly, glanced at Louise, and said, You seem to be in a good mood today.” 

Louise lowered her eyes and tucked her hair behind her ear shyly. I’m happy every day to be able to see you,Louise replied

Brian nodded slightly with a smile. Let’s go.” 

elled a faint fr 

A breeze blew over, and Louise smelled a faint fragrance on Brian’s clothes

Louise sniffed and asked, Brian, what’s the smell on your clothes?” 

What smell?asked Brian

Louise wrinkled her nose. Oh, nothing. It might be the smell of detergent. Let’s go inside. I made soup for you tonight.” 

Brian was deep in thought. Brian held his arm close to his nose and sniffed gently. It was the fragrance from Grace, and it was very faint

Brian tilted his head and glanced at Louise. When Brian thought that he had just lied to Louise while Louise had specially made soup for Brian at home, Brian felt a faint sense of selfblame

The next day

When Brian arrived at the company, Brian called Camren over

Go and find out where Grace went and who she met on the 12th, Brian said to Camren

Okay, Mr. Francis, Camren replied

Brian waved his hand, indicating for Camren to get down to work

When Camren went out, Brian looked up and noticed Nancy outside the door

Nancy was quietly packing her things at her post

Brian thought about what Grace had said to him last night. Grace sounded very anxious as Grace pleaded for Nancy. Briant thought Grace seemed to have become good friends with Nancy during the few days of travel

Chapter 75 

100% 13:20 

Nancy had already packed her things and looked at her desk, feeling reluctant to leave

Just as Nancy was about to turn around and leave, a low and cold voice came and stopped Nancy. Ms. Patel.

Nancy turned around and nodded at Brian instinctively. Mr. Francis, what can I do for you?” 

You can stay,said Brian

Nancy was stunned for a moment. Mr. Francis” 

Grace doesn’t want to see you leave.After explaining calmly, Brian turned around and returned to his office. 

Nancy was overjoyed! Nancy couldn’t wait to call Grace and share this good news with Grace. Thinking that Grace had lost her cell phone, Nancy sent Grace a series of messages


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