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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 81

Chapter 81 

The basement was very cool and it was actually pretty comfortable to sleep in at night so Grace slept very peacefully

There was nothing bad with being locked in the basement. Grace woke up naturally and comfortably the next day

After breakfast, she received a call from an unknown number

Grace Sherman, this is Justin Vance.A gentle voice came from the other end of the phone

Grace gripped her phone tightly and called out calmly, Dr. Vance.” 

How are you?” 

I’m fine. I just finished eating breakfast.” 

Justin asked worriedly, Really? I’m at the door. Come out and let me take a look.” 

1I don’t want to 

come out now 

Justin knew that it was just an excuse. Tell me honestly, did Brian do something to you?” 

Grace pressed her temples. She then made up her mind and hung up

Justin glanced at his phone and was extremely worried. He immediately dialed her number again, but this time, it went to her voicemail

He got out of the car and glanced at the door of the villa

Suddenly, he saw Melvin. He waved at Melvin

Melvin frowned slightly when he saw who it was. However, he still walked forward and asked politely, Sir, who are you looking for?” 

Is Grace home?” 

Melvin’s expression darkened slightly as he asked again, Sir, why are you looking for Miss Sherman?” 

I just want to make sure she’s okay. She’s hurt, so I’m worried about her.” 

Melvin hesitated for a moment. He looked at Justin and said earnestly, Sir, if you’re really worried about Miss Sherman, you shouldn’t look for her again in the future.” 

Justin frowned. He continued questioning. “What’s wrong with her? Did Brian lock her up?” 

Melvin replied with a heavy heart, I’ll make sure to take good care of Miss Sherman so don’t come again in the future. You’ll be doing her a favor that way” 

With that, Melvin turned around and left

Justin let out a shaky breath and returned to the car. He stared at Grace’s phone number for a long time

Chapter 81 

99% 13:22 

In the afternoon, Grace got up and walked around the basement. The basement was about 150 square feet. There was a window on the wall and a lighted patio outside

She pushed open the back door of the wine cellar, crossed the patio corridor, and saw a small door

Brian’s villa was very big. Although she had lived here for almost three years, there were still many places in the villa that she had never been to


small door was not locked. When she opened it, she realized that it was a hot spring

She had been to this hot spring once before. However, she had not expected it to be connected to the wine cellar

The hot spring was located in the southeast corner of the villa. It was quite a distance away from the main building. Although Brian did not come to the hot spring often, there were still servants cleaning this place


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