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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 88

Chapter 88 

Grace opened her mouth forcefully and ate a spoonful of porridge

After eating a few mouthfuls of porridge, she finally felt that she had regained some strength

Louise was so angry that her eyes were red. She walked into the room and asked in a concerned tone, Grace, what’s wrong? Can’t you eat?” 

Grace looked up at Louise. She gulped before calling out, Miss Adkins.” 

Louise sneered in her heart. She thought, What a bitch! She’s definitely pretending!” 

She only skipped two meals, but she pretended to be so weak and tried to gain sympathy from Brian

Louise snatched the bowl from Brian’s hand and said, Brian, let me feed her instead.” 

Brian looked up at her and nodded slightly. He stood up and moved aside

Louise sat on the bed with a smile and fed Grace the hottest spoonful at the bottom of the bowl

She then asked her with concern, Weren’t you fine when I went to see you today? What’s wrong? I haven’t seen you for just 

a little over ten hours. Why are you not able to get up from the bed? Is your b*dy so weak?” 

Louise’s words implied something. Her eyes were fixed on Grace

Grace felt a little uncomfortable. When she saw the porridge by her mouth, she opened her mouth

It was hot

It was so hot that her tears flowed out, but she still swallowed the porridge

Louise gripped the spoon tightly, wishing she could dunk the entire bowl of hot porridge into Grace’s mouth

Miss Adkins, I can do it myself.” 

Louise smiled and refused, How can that do? You’re weak now so I should feed you.” 

Grace’s heart sank

At this moment, Brian instructed Melvin, Melvin, bring the two plates of food from the wine cellar over.” 

Melvin did not understand, but he still said yesand went to the wine cellar to bring the food

After searching for a while, he finally found the food on the patio

Melvin brought the two plates back and placed them on the table

Brian looked around the room and frowned slightly. Where’s Ava? Ask her to come here!” 

When Louise heard Brian’s words, she took a deep breath. As she expected, his first suspect was indeed Ava


Chapter 88 

Ava was sleeping when Melvin woke her up

She cursed as she came downstairs. When she saw the scene in the living room, she was shocked

Her footsteps were a little stiff. As she went downstairs, she asked, BriBrian, what’s going on?” 

Brian waited for her to walk into the living room before asking, “Who sent Grace Sherman lunch today?” 


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