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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 93

Chapter 93 

Grace did not expect Brian to agree. She was just probing

Brian strode upstairs and watched as the master bedroom door closed. Grace then turned around and returned to his 


She slept peacefully the entire night. She didn’t even have a dream

The next day, when Grace woke up, it was almost nine o’clock

After breakfast, Ava found that Grace seemed to be preparing to go out. When she thought about how she had been scolded for no reason last night because of Grace, she felt so angry that she was about to explode

Ava just didn’t know why Gace greeted her in the morning. Who did Grace think she was? Grace just had no respect for her employer

The more Ava thought about it, the more unhappy she became. She called out to Grace, Grace!” 

Grace was about to change her shoes when she heard that. She stopped. Her intuition told her that Ava was going to find trouble with her again. She asked neither servile nor overbearing, Miss Adkins, what’s the matter?” 

What kind of expression is that? Do you think you’re very awesome? You bitch caused me to be scolded last night, but didn’t even greet me this morning!” 

Grace frowned. Miss Adkins, are you done? I applied for leave from Mr. Brian yesterday, I’m going out today.” 

Ava gritted her teeth. Ha! Are you using Brian to pressure me? Are you very smug now, you bitch!” 

You misunderstood,Grace replied coldly


When Ava saw Louise coming down the stairs, she deliberately raised her voice. What did I misunderstand about you? Don’t think that I don’t know that you have a crush on Brian. You’ve been coveting the position of his wife for a long time!” 

Grace did not want to argue with Ava. She changed her shoes, ignoring Ava’s shout

Ava reached out to pull Grace’s collar. You bitch, how dare you look down on me! I think you need to know your identity again!” 

As soon as Louise arrived, she saw the noise downstairs. It annoyed her. She said irritably, Ava! Stop

Louise, I’m helping you vent your anger! Look at your fiancé’s attitude yesterday! If the reporters saw that, they would write a report that Brian got angry because of an unknown woman!” 

Louise’s face turned cold. Didn’t I tell you to shut up? If you don’t want to listen to me, get back to the Adkins family immediately!” 

Ava gritted her teeth in anger. Louise and Grace were both abnormal! She turned around and rushed back to her room

Grace glanced at Louise and bowed slightly to her. Thank you, Miss Adkins. Please don’t take your sister’s words to heart.” 

Louise smiled coldly. You’re welcome. As I said, I treat you as a friend. Of course, I believe you.” 

Chapter 93 


Grace bent down to change her shoes. At this moment, the phone in the living room rang

Louise was the closest to the phone. She walked over and took a look. It was Brian


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