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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 506

Chapter 506 Go to Hell

In the blink of an eye, the two of them came right up to Elaina. Sophie glared at Elaina. "You are Elaina? As expected, you are not presentable."

"Is that so? Sophie, you impress me. You can tell that I'm not presentable at a glance. I'm wondering if you're presentable. After all, you are so uncivilized." Though Elaina was mocking Sophie, she always had a smile on her face, which made them feel particularly weird.

"You!" Sophie was furious. How dare this slut to mock her like this in the Gainsford’s manor! Elaina was utterly detestable!

Sophie rushed up to hit Elaina, but Elaina didn't move. Denise wanted to stop her, but she failed.

Considering Sophie's speed, Elaina could dodge if she wanted to, but she didn't. Elaina just turned slightly to the side and didn’t let Sophie hit her face.

In the end, Sophie hit Elaina’s back. It seemed that Elaina fell to the ground because Sophie had hit her hard.

"Sophie!" Denise was angry and thought that Sophie was too impulsive.

Sophie was just about to say that Elaina deserved it when a shout came from behind them. "What are you doing? Sophie, that is not how I raised you."

Unknowingly, Peter had come here. At this moment, Sophie looked quite domineering and Denise stood beside her. Only Elaina fell to the ground with a pitiful appearance.

"Dad! She started it..."


Before Sophie could finish speaking, Peter had already slapped her in the face. He was very disappointed. He had not expected that his two daughters wouldn't get along well. Instead, they got into a fight.

Sophie grew up in the Gainsford family. In the past, Peter had not provided any limits to her, but now he thought that he could not continue to let her be. Otherwise, sooner or later, Sophie would make a terrible mistake.

Sophie was stunned. Denise came back to her senses and looked at her daughter who had been slapped. The rims of her eyes instantly turned red.

Chapter 506 1

Chapter 506 2


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