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Fated to Love You Again (Shawn and Norah) novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84 Do you believe my explanation?

Hearing this, Lilian pushed away Shawn, "Shawn, hurry up and leave. Go back and accompany Norah. I can stay here alone."

She said it on purpose and pretended to be very generous.

Shawn frowned, "Are you sure you can stay here alone?"

Lilian said unconcernedly, "Yes, anyway, I'm used to being alone. It's not a big deal. I'll just struggle to spend every night."

"I know that you are married now and you have your own family. I... am lame. My existence will only burden you."

"Sorry, I won't contact you again. So..."

She bit her lip and looked pitifully at Norah, "In the future, she won't make things difficult for me and target me deliberately anymore."

Norah was about to leave, but she stopped in an instant.

She had known that Lilian wouldn't behave herself and she would slander her.

Sure enough, she said those words.

"Lily, what do you mean? What does this have to do with Norah?" Shawn soon realized something.

Lilian immediately covered her lips, "Sorry, Shawn. I didn't mean to say it. I let the cat out of the bag accidentally. I don't want to cast a bone between you and Norah."

"Make it clear." Shawn went berserk and glared at her coldly.

Lilian could only say sadly, "The reason why I went to the restaurant today is to go on a blind date for Qunnie. Originally, she had a blind date with that man."

"What does this have to do with Norah?"

"Because..." Lilian bit her lip and looked innocent, "Because a few days ago, when I went shopping with Rosie, I met Norah and her friend. They induced me to buy a ring that was worth five million dollars. I had no money, so I had no choice but to borrow money from Qunnie. In exchange, I went to the blind date for her."

"I know I was unlucky, but if I didn't buy the ring, I wouldn't have borrowed money from Qunnie, and I wouldn't have gone on a blind date. In this way, such a thing wouldn't have happened. Shawn, I know I shouldn't blame Norah for this, but..."

She said, and cried with grief, "But I just can't convince myself. I've been thinking that if I didn't buy the ring, everything would not have happened."

"That man wouldn't have wanted to rape me. I wouldn't have got hurt, and I wouldn't have been in the hospital."

She cried more and more sadly.

In the end, tears streamed down her cheeks, and she cried very pitifully and mournfully.

She had put on a show, so Norah should go.

However, at this time, Shawn suddenly opened his mouth and stopped her, "Wait."

Norah didn't stop. She still went out.

Shawn immediately went forward, grabbed her hand and forced her to look at him, asking, "Was she telling the truth?"

"What do you think?" Norah didn't answer.

She raised her head and asked him in reply.

Shawn frowned hard. He didn't know what was wrong with him.

He was so eager to prove it.

Did he want to tell himself that Norah was not such an aggressive and unreasonable girl?

Or did he want to speak for Lilian?

Norah broke away from him and said with a cold smile, "Shawn, in fact, whether she was telling the truth or not, it's not important. The important thing is that you have believed her."

"Dare you say that you were not questioning me just now? Were you not blaming me?"

"Now that you have believed her, there is no need for me to say anything."

Shawn grabbed her hand, lowered his voice and replied seriously, "What if I want to hear your explanation?"

Norah looked at him with calm eyes.

There was no emotion in her bland tone. "But, I don't want to explain."


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