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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 193

Book Two Chapter FortyOne 

Luna Ryley 

Baby and I were finally able to rest after the doctor gave us both a clean bill of health. Blake hasn’t left my side and was snuggled beside me on the bed in the hospital room as our boy nursed. I closed my eyes and rested my head against his chest, enjoying the feeling of security

Have you thought of a name?he mumbled, kissing my head

Oakley,I opened my eyes and looked up at my mate. “I think it’s fitting since he came into the world under an oak tree.He chuckled as he leaned down and kissed me

It’s perfect, baby. He’s perfect. I love you so much.He rested his forehead against mine

I love you.” 

A knock on the door pulled our attention. Aspen walked into the room, holding Tessa’s hand. I smiled at the two of them

Mom, how are you feeling?Aspen kissed my cheek before kissing his brother’s head. He sat down in the chair beside the bed and pulled Tessa onto his lap, resting his hand over her bump



Book Two Chapter FortyOne 

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Tired.I yawned and Blake snuggled me back into him

Tessa, how are you feeling? How’s the baby?I smiled

Baby?Blake exclaimed

Dad, Tessa is my mate and we are having a baby,Aspen told his father. Blake’s body tensed and I waited for him to lose his shit. I’m sure this isn’t what he expected for his eighteenyearold son

Young lady, how far along are you?” 

Almost twenty wolf weeks, alpha.” 

And you risked not only your life but the life of your child when. you rushed in there to save my mate, why?She bit her lip and looked at me before turning her attention back to my mate

I don’t want to upset, Luna Orion,” she mumbled

Please call me Ryley, Tessa, we are family now. And I won’t be upset. I know why you did what you did,I assured her

Aspen, told me what happened to your first mate, his mother, and how much Ryley meant to him. When my brother found us, and told me about the situation, I couldn’t let him lose another mother,Aspen squeezed her tightly against him and kissed her cheek. I know she was pregnant and how cruel her captor was. My father sold me to him. It was my fault he took her,she choked and tears filled her eyes

This isn’t your fault, Tessa. Did he hurt you?” 



Book Two Chapter FortyOne 

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She shook her head. He didn’t get the chance. Sarah got me out. That’s how I knew how to get you out. I didn’t know that my brother was helping Sarah with my escape. Our father was not a nice man and I also didn’t know that he had died when I ran from your pack.She confessed

Did you believe I wouldn’t protect you? Is that why you ran from our son?” 

I didn’t want anyone getting hurt because of me. I didn’t know I was pregnant when Sarah and I ran. And I didn’t know my father was dead until a few days ago.” 

I will always protect you,Aspen mumbled as he held his mate close. I smiled as I watched the two of them

Did you know you were a Luna wolf?Blake questioned

I found out a few days ago. My brother knew. I still don’t have my wolf, Alpha.” 

Babe, I think that’s enough questions for one day.I patted his chest. How’s baby doing?” 

Kicking up a storm now,she smiled. I think it’s happy that Daddy is here.” 

Daddy is happy to be here,Aspen snuggled her closer. I was so happy for both of them

I rested against my mate and yawned as I looked down at our baby boy. He was no longer feeding and was sleeping peacefully, 



Book Two Chapter FortyOne 

with his chubby cheek against my breast

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You need to get some rest, baby. I can take him,” but I refused to let him go

Did you name him yet?Aspen asked

Oakley,Blake told him. Tessa giggled

That’s fitting.Aspen furrowed his brow. He was born under an oak tree.” 

He also looks a lot like his oldest brother,I said. I swear, I’m never going to get a child who looks like me.” 

I’m just that good,Blake smirked. Maybe the next one,he chuckled

He’s beautiful,Tessa hugged me

Thank you.” 

Good job, Momma Wolf,” Aspen kissed my cheek before kissing his brother

They left the room and I rested my heavy head against Blake’s chest once more. I was exhausted as I closed my eyes

I groaned when a phone rang out loudly in the room

Sorry, baby.I didn’t open my eyes, but I felt Blake move around. It’s Channing,he said before answering



Book Two Chapter Forty One 

Hey Dad, where’s Mom? I can’t get a hold of her.” 

She’s resting. How did your exams go?” 

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Passed everything. I’m on my way home now. Is Mom okay? I know the pregnancy has been rough.I smiled, hearing our son. I reached up and took the phone from my mate

Hey, Sweetie, I’m so proud of you.” 

Thanks Mom. How are you feeling?” 

Tired. Your brother was born a few hours ago,I told him

What? Why didn’t you call me?he exclaimed. Is he okay?” 

It’s a long story but I promise to explain everything when we get home.” 

I’m coming to see you now. Does Aspen know?” 

Channing, we aren’t at the pack. Something happened while you were at school.” 

And you didn’t think to tell me,he yelled interrupting me. Blake growled and snatched the phone from me

It was my call, Channing. Do not speak to your mother like that.” 

I grabbed the phone back before hitting the video call button. Channing’s face came into focus as I held up the phone

Mom, what the hell is going on?he demanded




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