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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 194

Book Two Chapter FortyTwo 

Book Two Chapter FortyTwo 


What the fuck?I yelled as I hit the steering wheel. I had just hung up the phone with my mother. I was pissed that no one decided to call me when my mother’s life was in danger. I may be at school but that doesn’t mean they should keep me in the dark

I picked up my phone from the passenger seat and called my brother. It rang for what felt like forever until he finally answered


Where the hell are you and what the fuck happened with mom?I demanded

Channing, calm down. Mom and our brother are fine.” 

Now, they are fine but where the hell did they go? Huh? Didn’t feed me B.S.I snapped

Where are you?he sighed

On my way home now, but I spoke to Mom and Dad. They told me nothing. So, I called you. I know you are searching for Tessa but Dad still would have called you.” 

Channing, a lot has happened in the last few days. Dad didn’t want to call you since you had exams. Dad took down the council.” 



Book Two Chapter FortyTwo 

Fuck,I exclaimed

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We found a young Luna wolf there. I lost it,he choked. All I saw was Evie. She was so scared. She ran up to me, begging for help.” 

And where is the girl now?” 

She’s with Becky. Are you almost home? I’ve been worried about Evie.” 

I’m just leaving campus now and will be home in a few hours. Are you coming home or are you still looking for Tessa?I asked him

I found her.

What? When?” 

We are staying in her pack right now. She’ll be coming back with me tomorrow. I know Mom is anxious about getting back home to our 


I’m glad you found her.I didn’t know what else to say. He has been searching for her for months. He’s in love, but she may not even be his fated mate

Look, I know you aren’t happy you weren’t informed about Mom, but she wouldn’t have wanted you pulled away from your exams. She knows how important this is for you. And now that school is done for the next four months, you will be able to spend lots of time with her. I don’t think Dad is ever letting her go back to work.He chuckled at that last part

Yeah,I exhaled

We will explain everything when we are home. And congrats. Drive 



Book Two Chapter FortyTwo 



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On passing. I knew you could do it. Love yeah,he hung up before I could get another word in

I blew out a breath as I sat behind the wheel of my car in the apartment complex parking lot

At least they are safe,my wolf Shadow grumbled

Do you think I’m making the right choice? I’ve always wanted to be a doctor but I don’t like not being there to protect Mom.” 

I want to keep our mother safe, just like you do, but Dad can handle it. If this is what you want, then you have to be able to live with the fact that you won’t be involved in the pack business.” 

She’s our mother, not pack business,I snapped. I pulled out of the parking stall and started the drive home. I turned up my music to drown out my raging thoughts. If anything were to happen to her, and I wasn’t there to help, I would never forgive myself

When I pulled my car in front of the house, Granddad was waiting for me. I was relieved when a young girl came out of the house, carrying my sister. I couldn’t tell how old she was, ten maybe. She must be the Luna wolf they saved from the council

Channing,Granddad greeted me when I climbed out of my car

Bou, bou,Evie squealed, when she saw me. I’ve missed this baby girl so much. She was almost a year and a half now and every time I see her 



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Book Two Chapter FortyTwo 

she has changed so much

Victoria, sweetie, it’s okay.Granddad motioned for the girl to come to him. She looked nervous as she watched me. She walked down the front steps before placing Evie down on her own feet. She rushed over to me and I picked her up

This is Evie and Aspen’s brother, Channing. No one here will hurt you, sweet girl,Granddad reassured her

She stood beside Walter staring up at me with her big brown eyes. Her shoulderlength hair was the color of honey

You must be the girl my brother has told me all about,I smiled at her

He killed the man that was hurting me,she whispered and I wanted to dig that fucker up and kill him again. There’s a special place in hell for people who hurt children

Let’s get you inside, I’m sure you are hungry,Granddad clasped my shoulder. Evie had wrapped her arms around my neck and was squeezing me tightly


Mommy?She pulled back and looked at me as I walked into the house



Tomorrow, sweetie,I kissed her cheek


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