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Fated to Them (book 1+2) novel Chapter 14

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 14 – Cyrus pushes between my legs standing between them, his hands on either side of my waist trapping me. Cyrus leans in, his lips almost touching mine and I gulp, dread filling me when I see his lips turn up slightly.

“That attitude is going to get you in some serious trouble” He says, I could feel his lips brush mine as he spoke. He was that close. His hand goes to the back of my head before he grabs a handful of my hair making me shriek when he rips my head back. I don’t get anytime, to process what the f**k is going on when I feel his tongue move between my lips, his tongue tasting every inch of my mouth and I gasp when he bites down on my lip. I could taste the coppery metallic liquid of my blood filling my mouth. He s***s on my lip and I m**n softly, heat flooding my cheeks at my reaction to him.

Sparks move over my skin as his hands move under the towel, his thumbs brushing the insides of my t***h near the apex of my legs as he pushes them further apart and pressing himself against me, deepening the k**s, my hands go to his shirt and I k**s him back, his scent overwhelming me and I felt drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

The sound of someone clearing their throat makes me jump and I gasp in h****r, my hands going to my mouth at what I just did. I kissed my boss; I kissed my other boss’s husband.

“Dinner is downstairs, hurry up before it gets cold” Eli says before turning on his heel and walking back downstairs.

“I shouldn’t… I should” I can’t even form a sentence instead, jumping off the basin and running for the bedroom. Shame and guilt smashing into me. If Eli didn’t hate me before, I know he definitely will now. Dread filled my stomach and I suddenly lost my appetite. I quickly get dressed but don’t go downstairs.

I missed home and now I couldn’t bear being under the same roof as them, this day just keeps getting worse I think to myself. Grabbing my phone, I try to ring my sister, her phone going automatically to voicemail and I listen to her voice letting it calm me. I do it a few times just needing to hear her voice, needing some sort of comfort while I feel so uncomfortable and out of my element here. I didn’t expect her to answer she never does, but hearing her voice always helped.

I message my mother asking if Maya got to her okay, she sends me a picture of Maya eating her dinner. I feel a tear slip down my cheek. I felt lonely here, unwelcome and well and truly out of place. The door opens and Eli walks in. I half expected him to yell at me or call me a s**t. Instead, he put a plate of food on the end of my bed and said nothing, just walked out shutting the door, which was almost worse. I was ready for him to curse me out and call me every name under the sun. So why did his silence scare me more?


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