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Fated to Them (book 1+2) novel Chapter 2

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 2 – Adeline Paisley POV

Just when I thought my day couldn’t get any worse. why oh, why do you intend to f**k me over g*d. Did I do something in a past life, did I k**l puppies? Surely it can’t just be my poor time management skills, no one can be this late all the time. I was running late, and this wasn’t the first time, probably won’t be the last time with my record of attendance. The manager of my floor was going to m****r me.

I was stuck in traffic, seeing a small opening as I tried to pull onto the main street. I zip out into traffic, only for the p***k in the Mercedes behind me to honk his horn. I glare at him in the rear viemirror, I had been stuck at that turn off for ages. Winding my window down I flip him off before cutting into the next lane smiling at his shocked face, like no one had ever dared flip him off before.

I pull into the carpark, why are there never any parks. Probably because you are always late Addeline I mentally scold myself, I drive past the elevator groaning, only the reserved parking. I was nearly tempted to park there before seeing a spot up the back and I raced toward it.

Parking my car, it scrapes the bollard. F**k! I rush from the car only to realise I left my b****y heels on the passenger side footwell and have to race back to retrieve them. Grabbing them out Islam my door.

My b**e feet are slapping the concrete floor towards the elevator doors that were closing. Reaching my hand out and stopping the doors from closing. I force my way in, my phone starts ringing loudly in my pocket.

The man in the elevator moves away as I reach around him, hitting the button to the ground floor of the building. Ignoring him, when I see Bella’s name pop up on my phone screen when I retrieve it. She was the other secretary at the front counter with me, answering it as I bent down trying to place these goddamn heels on my feet and do up the clasp.

“I know, I know I am late, has Troy been by yet?”

“Not yet but get your a*s up here girl, you gonna make the rest of his hair fallout” She says in a rushed hushed voice.

Thang up, pocketing my phone. I worked for Colten enterprises, a well-known tech company and I was barely hanging onto my job thanks to Troy.


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